A whale in Victoria was recently rescued from 800kg of tangled rope and buoys.

An adult humpback whale was seen struggling in the water a week ago.

June 30th 2024.

A whale in Victoria was recently rescued from 800kg of tangled rope and buoys.
A large humpback whale found itself in a dangerous situation off the coast of Victoria this past weekend. The adult whale was spotted by a helicopter on Sunday, June 23, with ropes and fishing buoys tangled around its body. The poor creature was struggling to move, with approximately 200 metres of rope weighing it down.

On Friday afternoon, a group of people on a recreational boat also spotted the distressed whale in the southeast Victorian coast, around 4.5 nautical miles away from Lake Tyers. Worried for the whale's well-being, they immediately reported it to the authorities. A team of experts from the state Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action, along with the Victorian Fishing Authority and Parks Victoria, were called in to help.

The team quickly sprang into action, deploying a specialist team to attach a tracking device to the whale. The following day, they were able to get closer to the whale using smaller boats and cut about 800kg of tangled ropes and buoys away. Thankfully, their efforts paid off, and the whale was able to swim freely once again.

The police used a crane to lift the ropes and tackle out of the water, ensuring that it did not pose a danger to other sea life. Inspector James Dalton, who was part of the team, shared his experience, saying, "Normally, we are searching for missing people or vessels in waterways, so this was a completely different kind of search for us. The whale was in such distress, and we knew we had to act fast."

He also added, "To safely cut the ropes away, we needed to return the following day to ensure we could successfully remove enough of the rope that it could swim freely again. It was a huge team effort, and we are overjoyed that it had a great outcome."

The police also shared the news on their WhatsApp channel, where people can stay updated on all the latest breaking news, celebrity gossip, and sports news without any interruptions or privacy concerns. The channel has gained popularity for its no-comments and no-algorithm feature, ensuring that people can stay informed without any distractions.

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