A well-known horror movie by a renowned director continues to haunt its viewers even after 5 years.

The movie instantly became a classic when it came out.

July 5th 2024.

A well-known horror movie by a renowned director continues to haunt its viewers even after 5 years.
In 2019, Ari Aster released Midsommar, a groundbreaking film that forever changed the world of cinema. Even now, two years later, viewers are still being traumatized by its unique and unsettling storyline. Starring Florence Pugh, Jack Reynor, and Will Poulter, the film follows the character of Dani, who is struggling to cope with the tragic loss of her family. Her apathetic boyfriend Christian offers her little comfort, causing Dani to feel even more alone and isolated.

When Christian and his friends decide to travel to Sweden for the annual Midsummer festival, Dani is reluctantly invited to join them. Despite her reservations, she agrees and is immediately taken aback by the picturesque village and its strange customs. However, what starts as a seemingly idyllic vacation quickly turns into a nightmare for Dani as she becomes more and more involved with the ancestral commune.

This week marks the fifth anniversary of Midsommar, and fans are taking to social media to celebrate the film's impact. Many have described it as "horrific" and "life-changing," with some even crediting it for sparking their love for horror and inspiring them to write reviews. One film critic, Amber T, wrote on X, "I know it's become the cool thing to hate on Aster/this movie specifically/any shred of sincerity BUT- this movie changed my life. It made me realize how important horror is to me and my heart. It inspired me to start writing up my reviews. And now look."

Released in 2019, Midsommar took the world by storm, shocking viewers with its disturbing and thought-provoking storyline. Starring Florence Pugh alongside Will Poulter and Jack Reynor, the Ari Aster film follows the character of Dani as she is pulled into the clutches of a cult. Many fans have dubbed it the "best" film by Aster, who also directed the groundbreaking Hereditary and the disturbing comedy Beau Is Afraid starring Joaquin Phoenix.

Author Steve Goodwin shared that the film still gives him nightmares, and even Paulina Plazas couldn't resist sharing a gif of the eerie ending, where Dani is dressed in a gargantuan flower dress, watching the demise of her cheating lover. "I love this ending. That smile is everything," she wrote. Celypufo added, "What can I say, five years have flown by and Midsommar still haunts me. Ari Aster's unflinching gaze at the darker side of human nature is both mesmerizing and unsettling."

One Reddit user, Other-Witness5014, shared their personal experience with the film, stating, "Midsommar was a journey to madness for me. The fact that you can deal with sadness and loss like how the protagonist does, shook me to the core, as I was dealing with something similar at that time. There were lows and moments of weakness when I wished I was part of a community like that and it took great effort to come out of them. And when I did, the horrors stayed in my mind."

Five years on, Midsommar still holds a strong rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with Dune star Florence Pugh opening up about the filming process and its downsides. While the film received critical and public acclaim upon its release, Pugh revealed that she "most definitely abused herself" in order to get into character as Dani. "When I did it, I was so wrapped up in her and I've never had this ever before with any of my characters," Pugh shared on the Off Menu podcast in 2023. "I'd never played someone that was in that much pain before, and I would put myself in really shitty situations that maybe other actors don't need to do, but I would just be imagining the worst things."

Despite the challenges, Midsommar remains a beloved and influential film, with fans still discussing its impact and praising its unique and unsettling storyline. Whether you are a die-hard fan or a first-time viewer, Midsommar is a film that will stay with you long after the credits roll.

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