A wedding was ruined by a single glass of red wine.

It's understandable to make mistakes, but this one seems quite significant.

May 12th 2024.

A wedding was ruined by a single glass of red wine.
Dear Alison,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you with a heavy heart, seeking your advice on a dilemma that has been weighing on my mind since my wedding last week.

Let me start by saying that up until dinner time, my wedding was nothing short of perfect. The atmosphere was filled with love and joy, and everything went according to plan. However, things took a turn for the worse during the main course.

As we were enjoying our meal and chatting with our guests, the bar staff came around to top up our drinks. I was asked if I wanted red or white wine, and in a lighthearted manner, I chose white. Although I prefer red, I didn't want to risk spilling any on my dress. But fate had other plans.

As the server leaned over to pour the white wine in my glass, she also accidentally poured red wine down the back of my dress. I was in shock and didn't even notice until my bridesmaid pointed out the big blotch of red on the back of my dress. I was devastated.

My friends immediately came to my rescue, throwing their own white wine and table salt on the stain to try and neutralize it. The server ran off, presumably to get some help. I understand that mistakes can happen, but this felt like a big one. The white wine did help to lessen the intensity of the stain, but there was no doubt that my dress was ruined.

I tried my best to carry on with the wedding, but I had no other outfit to change into. Throughout the rest of the night, my friends would come up to me with shock on their faces, wanting to talk about what had happened. I couldn't even look at my dress without feeling sad.

My photographer has offered to touch up all the photos to remove the stain, but unfortunately, it's not possible to do the same for the video footage. I was really looking forward to having our first dance captured on film, but now it doesn't seem worth it.

I am considering asking the venue for a partial refund because this incident truly had a negative impact on my entire wedding experience. Am I within my rights to do so?

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.


Weddings are meant to be joyous occasions, but they can also be incredibly stressful. Whether you're a bride, groom, best man or woman, family member, or friend of the couple, the lead-up to the big day can be quite tense. That's why I'm here to offer my help and advice to anyone facing a wedding-related dilemma.

Jackie, I am sorry to hear about what happened at your wedding. It must have been heartbreaking to have your special day marred by such an incident. The first thing to do is try to reframe the memories associated with both your dress and your wedding. Have you had your dress professionally cleaned? There are various products available that may be able to remove the stains.

I must say, your friends were amazing to come to your aid and throw white wine and salt on the stain. In fact, at my venue, we have had similar incidents with red wine stains on carpets and furniture, and white wine and salt have always done the trick. It's a testament to the wonderful friendship you have with your loved ones.

Also, have you spoken to your videographer about the footage from your first dance? They might be able to work their magic and disguise the stain with some clever video editing. It's worth looking into.

Once you have had time to assess these options, you can approach the venue to discuss the incident. First and foremost, have they reached out to you to apologize and discuss what happened? It's surprising that no one from the venue addressed the issue during the evening or the next day, or even followed up in the days after the wedding.

Accidents do happen, and it's clear that the server's mistake was not intentional. However, it's important that the matter was addressed. Given the impact it had on your overall experience, seeking a partial refund from the venue may be a valid option to consider. I suggest reviewing your contract or agreement with the venue to understand your rights and any provisions related to accidents or damages caused by staff.

When you approach the venue about a refund, be clear and respectful in communicating your feelings and concerns. Emphasize how the incident not only affected your dress but also your emotional state and the atmosphere of your wedding. Providing documentation, such as photographs or witness statements, can also support your case.

While there is no guarantee of a refund, it's worth expressing your expectations and seeing how the venue responds. They may offer some form of compensation or resolution to address the situation. And if nothing comes from these discussions, it's important to remember the happier moments from your wedding and move on.

I know this from personal experience. During my own wedding, a colleague – who may have had a bit too much to drink – came to chat with me and accidentally put her blood-stained hand on my dress. It wasn't until someone pointed it out to me that I realized what had happened. But I chose to let it go and focus on the wonderful memories of our special day.

No matter what happens, I hope you are able to find peace of mind and closure about the incident, and that you can look back on your wedding day with fondness. Wishing you all the best in your new life together.


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