A survey found that 25% of companies intend to increase RTO mandates by 2025.

Companies forcing employees back to offices leads to loss of skilled workers.

June 3rd 2024.

A survey found that 25% of companies intend to increase RTO mandates by 2025.
There has been a constant tension between employees and employers regarding the return-to-office policies, which has resulted in many businesses losing their valuable workers. According to a survey conducted by ResumeBuilder.com, 25% of companies are planning to enforce in-office work for their employees in the year 2025. The survey involved 756 business leaders and specifically targeted companies that have had return-to-office policies in place since 2021, to understand how their policies might change in the future. Out of the 51 Black business leaders who were polled, 41% stated that their company intends to either increase or maintain the number of required in-office days for employees in 2025.

The survey also revealed that a significant majority of the Black business leaders, 96%, believe that employees should be physically present in the office to support the return-to-office mandates. Additionally, 75% of the leaders reported that their company provides incentives to encourage employees to return to the office. Despite these efforts, 88% of the leaders admitted that their company has lost talented employees due to the return-to-office requirements. It was also found that 50% of companies expect their employees to be in the office for four or more days a week. However, the most common requirement among companies is for employees to work in person for three days a week, with nearly 40% of the respondents choosing this option.

In a statement, Resume Builder's Resume and Career Strategist Julia Toothacre shed some light on the reasons behind this trend of companies increasing in-office days for employees. Toothacre stated that some employees may have relocated and are not willing to move again for their job. Others may have family responsibilities that require a flexible schedule or the need to work from home. Furthermore, there are people who simply prefer working remotely and are not keen on returning to an office environment.

So, what is driving companies to increase the number of required in-office days for their employees? According to the survey, the top reasons include improving productivity, enhancing company culture, promoting employee well-being, and retaining talented workers. However, despite these reasons, the survey also revealed that 70% of companies do not offer any incentives to encourage employees to return to the office.

Toothacre believes that companies should definitely provide incentives to motivate employees to return to the office, especially financial incentives. With the cost of living on the rise, working from home may be more economical for professionals, and offering financial compensation can make them feel more at ease about returning to the office. For more insights and comments on this topic, you can visit the link provided.

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