A special display of camaraderie.

"Nuakhai celebrations in Jhurimal village promote unity and camaraderie among the 163 families in Rourkela's Lefripara block through a community feast and dance."

September 9th 2024.

A special display of camaraderie.
In the quaint village of Jhurimal, located in Rourkela, lies a beautiful tradition that showcases the true essence of brotherhood and camaraderie. In a time where such values seem to be fading, this village stands out as a shining example of togetherness. The occasion? Nuakhai, a festival celebrated by the villagers with great enthusiasm and fervor.

On this auspicious day, all 163 families of the village come together to organize a grand community feast. The main road of the village transforms into a bustling hub of cooking activities, as the kitchens in each home remain closed for the day. This has been a tradition for the past 12 years and will continue to be so in the future, according to Deigambar Bhoi, a proud resident of the village.

The roots of this tradition can be traced back to five families who first came together to celebrate Nuakhai by organizing a feast. Over the years, this small group has now grown to encompass the entire village. What's truly remarkable is that there is no discrimination based on caste, as everyone is welcome to join in on this joyous celebration. As one villager puts it, "Since we cook and share food together, personal preferences and differences become irrelevant. This is what makes our celebration truly unique."

The day begins with the offering of 'nabanna' to the village's presiding deity, Lord Hanuman, followed by prayers to their respective household deities. Then, the community cooking begins, with volunteers working tirelessly to serve the delicious spread to the hungry villagers. In the past, the elders were served first, but this tradition has now been discontinued.

The feast includes a variety of traditional dishes such as rice, dal, khiri, pitha, and mixed vegetables. The guests of honor, including MLA Sundargarh Yogesh Kumar Singh, were in awe of the bond shared by the villagers. "I have never witnessed such unity among people. This is truly rare and special. This village can serve as an inspiration for brotherhood and peaceful coexistence," he said.

To add to the festivities, traditional games such as 'puchi', 'blowing the conch shell', 'hulhuli', and 'pulling sticks' were organized, bringing joy and laughter to all. However, the highlight of the day was the 'dulduli' dance, where almost everyone joined in and danced as one. The presence of celebrities like Pradeep Dutta from the Odia film industry, emerging singer Anant Nayak, and comedian Mohit Meher, who were honored by the villagers, added to the grandeur of the celebration.

In addition to all the merriment, the state Millets Mission also set up a small exhibition to showcase their products, adding a touch of novelty to the day's festivities. As the sun set on this joyous occasion, the villagers returned to their homes, their hearts filled with warmth and their spirits rejuvenated, ready to face the challenges of life with renewed strength and unity.

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