A sex offender is accused of pretending to be dead to avoid being listed on the registry and has started a new life with a new family in Arizona.

Hollins successfully faked his death and moved back to Arizona to live with a family, including kids.

May 19th 2024.

A sex offender is accused of pretending to be dead to avoid being listed on the registry and has started a new life with a new family in Arizona.
A man named Benjamin Hollins, who was believed to be dead, has recently been found alive in Arizona. This may sound like a miracle, but it turns out that Hollins had faked his own death in order to avoid being listed as a sex offender. It all started when a woman claimed that Hollins had jumped off the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge in October 2023. Despite extensive search efforts, no body was ever recovered, leading officials to believe that he had died in a suicide attempt. However, a recent development has revealed that this was all a hoax.

According to reports, Hollins was arrested in Arizona on May 14 and it was discovered that he had bribed the woman to make a false police report. This was all part of his plan to throw the police off his trail and escape being listed as a sex offender. The Pinal County Sheriff's Office has condemned his actions, calling it a waste of valuable resources. Sheriff Mark Lamb expressed his frustration, stating that a lot of time and effort had been spent searching for a body that was never there, all because Hollins wanted to avoid being caught.

The sheriff's office was finally able to track down Hollins and hold him accountable for his actions. Upon further investigation, it was revealed that Hollins had a history of sexual offenses and was deemed a sex offender in California over twenty years ago. When he moved to Arizona in 2018, he failed to register as a sex offender and even took on a job as a behavioral health counselor. However, he attempted to commit another sex crime with a 16-year-old patient and was ordered to register annually as a sex offender as well as being put on probation.

Despite his attempts to escape his past, the truth eventually caught up with Hollins. He had been living with a new family in Mesa, Arizona, including young children who were unaware of his true background. Fortunately, the police were able to intervene and prevent any harm from coming to the innocent family. Hollins now faces multiple charges, including failure to comply with sex offender registration requirements. His next trial date is May 21, where he will have to face the consequences of his actions.

In a similar case, a man from Georgia was recently sentenced to 10 years in prison after licking a 7-year-old boy's feet. These cases serve as a reminder of the importance of holding sex offenders accountable for their actions and ensuring the safety of our communities. Let's hope that justice is served and that these individuals are no longer able to harm others.

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