A self-proclaimed 'Living Nostradamus' says four of his 2024 predictions have already been fulfilled.

In 2024, the psychic has made dark forecasts.

September 13th 2024.

A self-proclaimed 'Living Nostradamus' says four of his 2024 predictions have already been fulfilled.
There's a lot of buzz lately about an asteroid the size of a skyscraper that will be making its way past Earth in the near future. People are turning to Athos Salome, a 36-year-old parapsychologist from Brazil who has been given the nickname "Living Nostradamus" for his alleged ability to predict significant events. And now, he's warning us that more of his prophecies are coming true, including the passing of this massive asteroid.

According to Athos, he has accurately predicted major events such as the coronavirus pandemic, Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter (now known as "X"), and even the death of Queen Elizabeth II. It's no wonder he has been dubbed the "Living Nostradamus" with all of these accurate predictions under his belt.

But Athos doesn't just have good news for us. He's also made some unsettling predictions about the future, including the use of electromagnetic pulse technology in weapons and the increasing use of AI. He has even previously predicted that the world will experience "three days of darkness" before the end of 2024 due to advancements in modern warfare and the trial of EMP weapons.

But while these predictions may be cause for concern, many are wondering if we should also be worried about the approaching asteroid. According to Live Science, the asteroid, measuring up to 1,575 ft, is expected to fly past Earth on Tuesday at a whopping 26 times the speed of sound. However, NASA has assured us that it will pass by at a safe distance of 0.62 million miles, which is considered a tight margin in cosmic terms but still far enough to not pose a threat to us on Earth.

Athos has even gone as far as to predict that NASA will make an announcement in September, confirming that the asteroid will be on a collision course with Earth by November. He stands by his predictions, stating that they are not mere coincidences but rather grounded and accurate.

Unfortunately, Athos's predictions are not always pleasant ones. He also foresaw the Microsoft Crowdstrike outage in April, which resulted in the grounding of 50,000 flights to and from the UK and affected various industries such as aviation, train travel, retail, and hospitals. He believes that this event may lead to an international cyber war and bring about shifts in political and military actions.

But it's not all doom and gloom. NASA has confirmed that another asteroid, Apophis, dubbed "God of Chaos," will pass by Earth in the future. However, there is no risk of impact for at least the next 100 years, as scientists have ruled out the possibility of impact by 2029. While this asteroid measures 1,100 ft across and could potentially wipe out a city, it is not large enough to destroy the entire planet.

In the end, Athos's predictions have caused quite a stir, with many questioning the accuracy of his claims. But whether you believe in his abilities or not, one thing is for sure - the passing of this asteroid and the potential for other future events have certainly got people talking. Only time will tell if Athos's predictions will continue to come true.

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