A sculpture by Ai Weiwei was destroyed by a vandal at an art exhibit in Italy.

Security cameras recorded the incident.

September 24th 2024.

A sculpture by Ai Weiwei was destroyed by a vandal at an art exhibit in Italy.
The magnificent 'Porcelain Cube' created by renowned Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was tragically shattered into hundreds of pieces during the private opening of his latest exhibition in Italy. As the VIP guests stood in shock, security footage captured the disturbing sight of a man forcefully pushing over the sculpture and then raising a fragment of it triumphantly above his head. The security team quickly intervened, apprehending the culprit and removing him from the premises.

This unfortunate incident took place at the Palazzo Fava in the city of Bologna, where Ai's first solo exhibition titled 'Ai Weiwei. Who Am I?' was being showcased. The striking blue and white 'Porcelain Cube' was irreparably destroyed, leaving the attendees in disbelief. It was later reported by Italian media that the perpetrator was a Czech man who claimed to be an artist himself.

The 57-year-old assailant has a history of targeting significant works of art, making his motive for this destructive act even more perplexing. The question of how he managed to gain access to the exclusive event still remains unanswered. However, the museum reassured the public that the exhibition opened to everyone as scheduled the following day.

Ai Weiwei did not address the incident in a statement but shared the CCTV footage on his Instagram account. According to his wishes, the shattered pieces of the artwork were concealed and removed, to be replaced by a life-sized print and a description of what had occurred. The exhibition's curator, Arturo Galansino, condemned the vandalism as a "reckless and senseless act."

Join us on Whatsapp to stay updated with the latest news and juicy stories from Metro. Galansino further expressed his dismay, stating that the attack on Ai Weiwei's artwork is even more appalling when considering that many of his other pieces explore the theme of destruction itself. He clarified that the destruction portrayed in Ai's works serves as a warning against the violence and injustice perpetrated by those in power, and has no connection to this violent and senseless act.

Describing the assailant as a habitual troublemaker who seeks attention by damaging artists, works, monuments, and institutions, the curator expressed his disappointment. He urged the public to appreciate and respect art, rather than resorting to such destructive behavior. Despite this unfortunate event, the exhibition continued to amaze and inspire its visitors, and Ai Weiwei's powerful message remained unscathed.

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