A reader suggests that Nintendo should release a more powerful version of the Switch that is not portable.

Reader wants "Switch 2 Pro" from Nintendo with improved graphics and no portability, in contrast to "Switch Lite."

July 14th 2024.

A reader suggests that Nintendo should release a more powerful version of the Switch that is not portable.
There has been a lot of speculation lately about whether Nintendo should release a more hardcore version of the Switch, dubbed the "Switch 2." One reader in particular has expressed their hopes for a "Switch 2 Pro" that would offer better graphics and ditch the portable aspect found in the Switch Lite.

But this week, there was a surprising reveal from Nintendo - a horror game. No one knows for sure what it is or who is behind it, but based on the age rating information, it's definitely a horror game and Nintendo themselves seem to be publishing it. This is quite unusual for Nintendo, known for their quirky and family-friendly games. But it does raise the question of whether Nintendo may be branching out into more adult-oriented games in the future.

Personally, the reader would love to see Nintendo continue making their traditional games, but also add more mature and possibly even violent titles to their lineup. They believe that Nintendo's commitment to quality could result in some amazing games in these genres. However, what they would really love to see is a version of the Switch 2 that is solely focused on high-end graphics and not designed for portability.

While the Zelda games on the Switch are fantastic, the reader can't help but compare them to open-world games on other consoles and wish for better graphics. They believe that with the Switch's current hardware limitations, it's difficult for Nintendo to achieve the same level of visual fidelity as other consoles. That's why they would love to see a "Switch 2 Pro," which would be the opposite of the Switch Lite - not portable, more expensive, and more powerful.

Nintendo's main focus for the Switch 2 is to keep costs down and appeal to a wider audience, including casual gamers. But the reader argues that since Nintendo is doing so well financially, why not invest in creating a more expensive and powerful console for their older fans? They believe that even if it doesn't sell as well as the standard Switch 2, there would still be a market for it.

One potential problem with this idea is compatibility with the standard Switch 2, but the reader suggests that there could be a range of performance and graphics options, similar to what is found on PC. They also wouldn't mind if some games were exclusive to the Switch 2 Pro, especially if they were more adult-oriented, as this would justify the higher price point and potentially keep kids away from mature content.

In the reader's opinion, Nintendo needs to show more leadership in the gaming industry, especially since the other consoles have not been as successful this generation. They would like to see Nintendo expand into new areas and take risks, as they seem to be more committed to the concept of gaming rather than just making money. However, they acknowledge that Nintendo has always been successful by doing things their own way, so maybe it's best for them to stick to their tried and true methods.

In the end, the reader acknowledges that their ideas may not come to fruition, but they are hopeful that Nintendo will continue to surprise and impress with their unique and innovative games. And who knows, maybe the mysterious horror game will be a sign of things to come for Nintendo.

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