A pub bouncer fatally punched a football fan and caused his death.

Aaron, 28, went to the bar with his dad and some of his buddies.

March 17th 2023.

A pub bouncer fatally punched a football fan and caused his death.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

A bouncer who threw a punch that resulted in the death of a football fan was sentenced to nine-and-a-half years in jail. Aaron Bateman, 28, was attacked by Wilfred Fantie, 44, after he followed him outside a Bedfordshire pub. The Dunstable Town fan had gone to the Wheatsheaf pub with his dad and friends to listen to a live tribute band. An altercation broke out after a bar worker asked Ian and a friend to leave for dancing topless. Aaron's scarf was pulled in the scuffle, prompting him to walk away, with Fantie following him. The defendant then delivered a 'powerful punch' that knocked Aaron to the ground with such force he had no time to break the fall.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Aaron was described as a 'kind and gentle soul' who suffered from diabetes and cystic fibrosis and needed regular meals and medication. Judge Michael Simon said nothing could mend the heartache of Aaron's family, noting that Fantie had pursued him with 'determination'.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Wilfred Fantie was sentenced to nine-and-a-half years in prison after he punched Aaron Bateman, 28, outside a Bedfordshire pub, resulting in his death. Aaron, a Dunstable Town fan, had been out with his father and friends when an argument broke out and he walked away. Fantie, a trained bouncer, then delivered a powerful punch that knocked the man to the ground without him having time to break his fall. CCTV footage showed Fantie pursuing Aaron before the blow. Aaron fell to the ground and suffered a traumatic brain injury, ultimately leading to his death days later. Judge Michael Simon stated that Aaron was a ‘kind and gentle soul’ and that nothing the court did or said could mend the emptiness in the hearts of Aaron’s family and friends.

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