A prisoner is accused of giving teenagers $4,000 to start a fire that resulted in two deaths in Melbourne.

Man accused of factory fire that killed 2 offered $4000 by prisoner to commit arson.

July 18th 2024.

A prisoner is accused of giving teenagers $4,000 to start a fire that resulted in two deaths in Melbourne.
A man stands accused of a grave crime - setting fire to a factory that claimed the lives of two innocent men who were simply sleeping at the time. According to police, the accused was allegedly offered $4000 by a prisoner to carry out this heinous act of arson.

In court today, the accused explained to his girlfriend that it was all a big mistake - that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Phoenix Darren John Tims and Atem Akoi Thon appeared before the Melbourne Magistrates Court, seeking release on bail. Both men are facing two counts of arson causing death in relation to the tragic incident that occurred on February 23rd.

Four months had passed since the fateful day when a factory in Sunshine North was set ablaze at 4am. The fire quickly spread to a nearby building, where two men were sleeping inside. Sadly, both of them lost their lives. It wasn't until July 16th that Tims, Thon, and their co-accused Semaj Cigobia, 18, were charged in connection with the fatal arson. Cigobia, who is currently out on bail, appeared in court yesterday and was accused of helping the other two suspects escape police detection by burning the car they allegedly used to commit the crime.

According to Detective Senior Constable Elise Jinks, Tims drove to the factory in question on the night of the incident. He then proceeded to jump over a fence with a jerry can full of petrol, which he allegedly used to set the building on fire. Jinks claims that Thon, who was in the passenger seat, handed Tims the jerry can and that there was only one way in and out of the factory where the victims were sleeping. Shockingly, it has been revealed that the two men were promised a payment of $4000 by a prisoner to carry out this act of arson. However, the identity of this individual remains unknown.

In mid-July, Tims was recorded on a surveillance device inside his car, telling his girlfriend that it was all a big mistake. He said that it wasn't supposed to happen, that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Jinks also claims that Tims can be heard on the recording saying that he did everything - he drove, he lit the fire, he stopped, he got out, and he jumped the fence. He allegedly revealed that he was doing this for a friend, in return for a job.

The court was also informed that Jinks had spoken to the families of the two victims before the bail hearing. They expressed their disappointment at the thought of Tims and Thon being released back into the community while they were still grieving the loss of their loved ones.

Thon's sister described him as a quiet kid who mostly stayed in his room at home. She stated that their main focus was for him to find a purpose in life. She assured the court that if he was granted bail and allowed to live with their family, she would make sure he followed all the necessary rules and regulations. She also emphasized the importance of him doing the right thing and not getting into any further trouble.

A youth justice worker, however, recommended against granting Thon supervised bail, citing the severity of the crime and his negative associations with certain individuals. The bail hearing is ongoing.

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