A politician in the US is being called a 'sociopath' for writing 'finish them' on Israeli artillery shells.

Children were killed in a bombing in Rafah before a stunt took place.

May 29th 2024.

A politician in the US is being called a 'sociopath' for writing 'finish them' on Israeli artillery shells.
During a recent visit to Israel, former US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, made a controversial move by signing bombs that were slated to be deployed in either Gaza or Lebanon. As she crouched down next to the rows of artillery shells, she wrote the words "Finish them! America loves [heart] Israel always." These pictures were later shared on social media by Danny Danon, an Israeli politician who accompanied her on the trip.

Haley's visit to Israel came just hours after a tragic bombing in the city of Rafah, where children were killed and a newborn was beheaded. This was just the latest in a series of attacks, including a drone strike on a bus carrying schoolchildren and further bombings of shelters, which resulted in the deaths of innocent civilians.

The backlash to Haley's stunt was swift and widespread. Many criticized her for promoting violence and supporting Israel's ongoing offensive in Rafah, which had already led to over one million people being displaced. Even Kenneth Roth, the former executive director of Human Rights Watch, condemned Haley for her actions, stating that she was openly endorsing war crimes.

Despite the criticism, Haley remained unapologetic, even going so far as to criticize the Biden administration for temporarily withholding weapons from Israel as a means of discouraging further attacks on Rafah. This was in line with her previous comments about Gaza and Hamas, but this time, the backlash was much more intense.

British rapper and activist, Lowkey, shared the controversial picture of Haley and questioned the morality of the late-stage US empire, which appoints individuals like her as diplomats. Meanwhile, civil rights activist Dr Omar Suleiman and American actor John Cusack both expressed their outrage at Haley's actions, with Cusack calling anyone who signs a bomb a "sociopath."

As the world continues to bear witness to the ongoing violence and devastation in Gaza, Haley's message to "finish them" serves as a stark reminder of the moral depravity that can exist in the midst of conflict. And as the international community expresses its unease and outrage, the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire continue to suffer.

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