UK advised to implement conscription due to recent allegations that Putin may launch assault on Western countries within 2 years.

We must prepare, educate, and equip ourselves and make our efforts known to the Russians.

March 17th 2024.

UK advised to implement conscription due to recent allegations that Putin may launch assault on Western countries within 2 years.
Recently, there have been discussions about the possibility of Britain reinstating conscription, a compulsory military service, in order to increase army numbers and deter potential threats from Russia. This topic was brought up earlier this year by one of our top generals who suggested that in the event of a full-scale war with Russia, British citizens could be conscripted to fight. He also expressed concern over the size of our military, stating that it may not be enough to defend against Russian aggression.

These concerns were further heightened when Russian President Vladimir Putin recently announced that his country is prepared to launch nuclear weapons, which would undoubtedly have devastating consequences for both the UK and the US. In response to this, Latvia, a neighboring country of Russia, has already implemented conscription for young men between the ages of 18 and 27, as a precaution against a potential invasion. This means that all able-bodied men in Latvia must complete 11 months of military service.

Now, Latvia's foreign minister, Krisjanis Karins, has suggested that Britain should consider following suit. In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, he stated, "We would strongly recommend this. We are developing a system of total defense that involves all parts of civil society." The goal of this approach is to not only prepare for a possible military conflict, but also to make it clear to Russia that aggression towards their country will not be tolerated.

The idea of conscription has gained more attention in recent weeks, as German intelligence documents have suggested that Putin may be planning a large-scale attack on the West within the next two years. According to these reports, Russia has been increasing its arms production and reorganizing its military in the western part of the country. This has led intelligence services to believe that an attack on NATO territory may be a possibility in the near future.

These developments have sparked concern among many countries, including Britain, and have reignited discussions about the potential benefits of conscription. While there is no definite plan in place yet, it is clear that the safety and security of our nation must be a top priority, and all options must be carefully considered to ensure our protection against any potential threats.

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