A new personalized 'zap' is being developed to help treat depression.

Beau has endured 15 years of pain, but things are no longer as severe and gloomy as before.

June 12th 2024.

A new personalized 'zap' is being developed to help treat depression.
Individuals who struggle with depression are now finding relief through a more customized form of an existing brain stimulation treatment. This innovative technique, called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), involves using a robotic coil placed on the outside of the scalp to transmit magnetic pulses to specific nerve cells in the brain that contribute to a person's mood.

According to experts, this treatment offers a new solution for patients with depression that is resistant to traditional medication, just like Beau Jones. As Jones puts it, "Depression can be life-threatening in the worst of times and unbearable in the best of times." He has been battling this illness for 15 years and turned to TMS as an alternative option when his medication was no longer effective. Jones noticed a significant improvement in his mental health after undergoing this treatment, saying, "The thoughts and emotions that used to consume me are now less intense and dark."

In the past, TMS involved administering magnetic pulses to the same area of the brain for all patients. However, researchers from the University of Melbourne and the Queensland Neurostimulation Centre are now taking a more targeted approach. Using an MRI scan, experts like Dr. Robin Cash identify specific regions in each patient's brain that are contributing to their depression. These areas are then targeted with TMS, with a precision of just one millimeter.

Dr. Cash explains, "We are using a precise, personalized approach based on each individual's brain scan." This technique has shown promising results, with up to 65% of patients responding positively to this targeted therapy. Luca Cocchi from the Queensland Neurostimulation Centre further emphasizes the accuracy of this treatment by stating, "We use a robotic coil that receives real-time information from the participant's brain, ensuring precise and consistent stimulation delivery."

Thanks to this innovative and personalized approach to TMS, individuals like Beau Jones now have a more effective and tailored option for treating their depression. With ongoing research and development, experts hope to provide even more individuals with the opportunity to overcome this debilitating illness.

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