Your tarot horoscope for January 2024 based on your zodiac sign.

Ring in the New Year and start fresh in the new month!

December 30th 2023.

Your tarot horoscope for January 2024 based on your zodiac sign.
September 24 to October 23
Take a break – it’s okay
Tarot cards for Libra for January: Five of Wands, The Moon, Page of Cups
Meaning: Take time out
The Page of Cups shows that you need more rest and more ‘me’ time. You’ve been busy and you’ve been running on fumes, so the time has come to schedule in some breaks and some downtime. Look after yourself, Libra, for you cannot be there for others if you are running on fumes.
The Five of Wands shows that you need to reduce the pressure you put on yourself and the expectations you have of yourself. You know those days when everyone else is getting things done and you’re just standing still? That’s okay, it’s time to be kind to yourself and take the pressure off.
The Moon sees you taking a break, a break from the pressure from yourself and the expectations of others. It’s time to take a little time out, to recharge your batteries, to catch your breath, to calm your mind and to restore your energy levels. It’s okay to take a break, Libra, it’s good for you.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra

It's a new year and a new month, which means it's the perfect time to make a fresh start. Thanks to the end of Mercury Retrograde, it's going to be easier than ever to turn over a new leaf. Plus, a New Moon in Capricorn on January 11 gives you the chance to focus on your career progression and set intentions for the coming year.

To help you get started, here is your tarot horoscope for the month of January 2024. Three tarot cards have been drawn and their meaning for each sign has been explained.

Aries (March 21 - April 20):
Great things are on the cards for you, Aries! The tarot cards drawn are Strength, The Hierophant, and The Sun. This signals big changes for the better, as you rebel against an authority or structure that has been holding you back. With the courage and independent thinking, you'll be able to achieve massive success. Now is the time to be bold!

Taurus (April 21 - May 21):
Reach out for help this month, Taurus. The tarot cards drawn are Five of Cups, Six of Coins, and The Tower. An unexpected event or revelation will make you question things, but thankfully, there are people around you who are willing to help and support you. Don't isolate yourself - offer and accept all the help you can get.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21):
Something will give you a big wake-up call this January, Gemini. The tarot cards drawn are Three of Swords, The Fool, and Seven of Coins. This shift in attitude will allow you to remove any toxic behaviours or outlooks, and you'll be able to enjoy the immediate results of the changes. This was a good change, so make sure it sticks!

Cancer (June 22 - July 23):
Don't procrastinate on this, Cancer. The tarot cards drawn are The High Priestess, Ace of Swords, and Ten of Wands. You'll have a major epiphany which will enable you to tackle the issue head-on. Take steps now to get this out of your head and make sure you don't bottle it all up.

Leo (July 24 - August 23):
Make this transformation last, Leo. The tarot cards drawn are Seven of Wands, Death, and The Devil. This card trio signals resolutions and the chance to get rid of a bad habit. To make sure your resolutions stick, gamify your activity and set goals with short deadlines.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23):
It's time to stand up and be counted, Virgo. The tarot cards drawn are Eight of Wands, Eight of Swords, and Three of Coins. Self-promotion is the theme tune this January, so make sure to blow your own horn. People are impressed by your efforts and results, and they just need to know you're up for more.

Libra (September 24 - October 23):
Take a break - it's okay, Libra. The tarot cards drawn are Five of Wands, The Moon, and Page of Cups. You need more rest and more 'me' time, so make sure to schedule in breaks and downtime. Reduce the pressure you put on yourself and the expectations you have of yourself, and let others fully see what you've been doing.
September 24 to October 23
Make this new start count, Libra
Tarot cards for Libra for January: The Star, The Emperor, Four of Coins
Meaning: Time to be an emperor
The Star is the card of hope, of healing, of a fresh start, of light at the end of the tunnel. You can see the positive, you can look forward to a brighter future, and you are ready for the journey.
The Emperor is the card of control, structure, authority, and respect. It’s time to take command of your own life, to be accountable for yourself and your actions, and to be the leader of your own destiny.
The Four of Coins is the card of security, of comfort, of progress, of building something lasting. You have the resources and the capacity to create something, and to make it stick.
This is your sign to make this new start count, Libra. You have the power within you to take control and create something lasting and secure, something that will bring you comfort and progress. So, be an emperor and take charge of your own life.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra

Get ready for a new month! It's a New Year, and many people will be looking to make a fresh start this January. Thanks to Mercury Retrograde ending on January 1, turning over a new leaf is going to feel easier than ever. Plus, a New Moon in Capricorn on January 11 offers a chance to focus on your career progression and intentions for the coming 12 months.

Looking for an idea of where your life could do with a shake-up? Ahead you’ll find your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of January 2024, with three tarot cards drawn and their meaning for you explained.

March 21 to April 20
Great things are on the cards for you, Aries!
Tarot cards for Aries for January: Strength, The Hierophant, The Sun
Meaning: Big changes for the better
What a start to 2024! Rebellion, perseverance, change, personal growth, and a huge success off the back of your courage and independent thinking. Well done! Now you just have to live up to this hope!
The Hierophant starts it off as you’re thinking about resistance to an authority, structure, tradition, belief, or pecking order that has kept you in a position. You don’t believe in it anymore and want to strike out from it. Go for it, Aries, you are a rebellious soul and you need space to grow now.
The Sun sees you heading towards massive success and prosperity, the change you provoke is the right move, and Strength sees you gaining confidence, courage, and fortitude as you progress. This is the making of you. This is the change you needed. Three major arcana cards always signal major growth and change. Be bold!
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries

April 21 to May 21
Reach out
Tarot cards for Taurus for January: Five of Cups, Six of Coins, The Tower
Meaning: Take the help available
Ask for help, do not isolate yourself with a problem or sorrow. Others can support and guide you through this because they’ve endured similar times and know what pitfalls and the shortcuts. Just don’t bottle this all up, okay?
The Five of Cups sees you facing a sorrow or regret. The Tower means it was an unexpected event or revelation which shocked you, shook your foundations a little, made you question other things. We all go through it, but the worst is over and you can now rebuild on a firmer foundation.
The Six of Coins shows others are wishing you well, hoping to be ‘let in’, and want to help, support, assist, guide, and advise. Take all the help you can get, Taurus. And, even better, offer some in return. Get your focus off your own backyard and go help better someone else’s. We often feel good when we’re helping another. Be of service.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus

May 22 to June 21
Something will give you a big wake-up call this January
Tarot cards for Gemini for January: Three of Swords, The Fool, Seven of Coins
Meaning: New habits
A new leaf emerges in your relationship landscape as you oust a few toxic presences, behaviours, habits, or outlooks. You do have obsessive tendencies, you can be callous, you have a catty streak. Sometimes this poisons your own mind and space more than the intended victim and you decide to start over, remove the doom-scrolling, spying, and general skullduggery. Peace and love!
The Three of Swords shows something will happen to provoke this shift and change of heart and the Seven of Coins shows it will stick. Perhaps someone calls you out, or you have a row, or someone else does something you dislike. You are making lasting changes to how you navigate your friendship circles and social media etc.
The Fool is the excitement and enthusiasm of a new leaf. You see and enjoy immediate results of the changes, and feel like you’re on a road to a better way of being social and in cahoots with others. It’s all good, this was a good change Gemmy.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini

June 22 to July 23
Don’t procrastinate on this
Tarot cards for Cancer for January: The High Priestess, Ace of Swords, Ten of Wands
Meaning: Tackle the issue
A true breakthrough moment awaits in January, something that has really tired and drained you will come to a head, you will see it for what it truly is and then be able to tackle it in the right, effective way. At last!
The High Priestess and Ace of Swords asks you to go within, meditate, journal, examine your darkest emotions and follow them to their root cause, notice the triggers, analyse why you feel this way. There is a massive epiphany here to be had. A game-changing one which lets you see the truth of this spiral and pattern, and how to stop it!
The Ten of Wands shows you’ve felt tired and drained by it recently, not being able to see a way forwards or out. When we feel stuck, we feel hopeless. But the exit sign will switch on, and the route towards it will look feasible and fast. You must take these steps now. It’s time to tackle this and get it out of your head.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer

July 24 to August 23
Make this transformation last, Leo
Tarot cards for Leo for January: Seven of Wands, Death, The Devil
Meaning: Resolutions stick
This card trio shouts ‘resolutions’! In a good way, in an encouraging way, in a ‘you can do this, Leo’ way! So, what do you want? The Devil suggests ridding yourself of a bad habit – be it physical, material, mental or behavioural. Substitute, replace, and restore moderation and harmony by squeezing out this longstanding pattern that you know trips you up and brings trouble.
The Death card reveals a major makeover and personal transformation is possible too, so seek change and rebirth and growth. Seek moving towards a 2.0 version of yourself, whether that be physical, material, mental or spiritual.
The trick to making your resolutions stick this year, Leo, is the Seven of Wands. Gamify your activity. Set challenges. Team up and make it a group thing. Encourage each other. Set goals with short deadlines to keep you interested. Get a mentor or a coach. Make this a game, contest or competition and you will win!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo

August 24 to September 23
It’s time to stand up and be counted
Tarot cards for Virgo for January: Eight of Wands, Eight of Swords, Three of Coins
Meaning: Get what you deserve
Self promotion is the theme tune this January and I know it goes against your modest, humble grain, Virgo, but you must blow your own horn at times! The Three of Coins shows that people are impressed by your efforts and results and want to offer you more scope, reward, opportunity – they just need to know you’re up for it.
The Eight of Wands is the networking card – be visible, be present be out there, be positive and confident. Tell people about your successes, put yourself forward, volunteer, showcase your results and learnings, offer to help others.
The Eight of Swords recognises your natural instinct to self recriminate and throw criticism rather than praise on your own efforts but this is damaging and wrong. You are a capable and conscientious person who deserves more. You just need to let others fully see what you’ve been doing and act like you want more… and it will be delivered!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo

September 24 to October 23
Make this new start count, Libra
Tarot cards for Libra for January:

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