A mother decided to undergo euthanasia to get back at her husband for winning custody of their kids.

She committed suicide after a four-year lawsuit.

July 7th 2024.

A mother decided to undergo euthanasia to get back at her husband for winning custody of their kids.
Catherine Kassenoff and her husband Allan were in the midst of a bitter legal battle that ultimately ended in a tragic way. According to reports, Catherine, a mother of three, took her own life at a suicide clinic in Switzerland as a final act of revenge against her estranged husband, who had been awarded custody of their children.

Last year, on May 23, Catherine made a public announcement on Facebook, sharing her heartbreaking decision to end her own life. In a lengthy post, she expressed her profound heartbreak and stated that there were no other options left for her. She described the past four years of her life as a never-ending nightmare, filled with abuse and terror at the hands of her husband.

The couple, both lawyers in New York, had been locked in a heated divorce battle for four years, primarily over custody of their children. Despite being diagnosed with terminal cancer, Catherine was determined to fight for custody and visitation rights. However, when she lost these rights, she made the decision to end her life.

Following her death, Allan became the target of hatred and abuse from strangers who sent him death threats and even showed up at his home. However, after a thorough investigation by The Free Press, new details have emerged about the circumstances leading up to Catherine's tragic decision.

Former nannies who worked for the family have revealed that Catherine had a history of abusive behavior towards her children. She was accused of punishing her adopted daughter, Ally, by keeping her awake all day by dripping water on her head. It was also reported that Catherine treated her two other children, born via IVF, with more favoritism.

In addition to her Facebook post, Catherine also released videos of her husband and thousands of court documents via Dropbox. One of these documents was written by a UK-based psychiatrist, Colin Brewer, who stated that Catherine was of sound mind to make the decision to end her life. He also revealed that she had previously planned to end her life twice before, but these attempts were postponed for administrative reasons.

According to Brewer, Catherine's decision to end her life was not a result of her cancer diagnosis, but rather an "existential assisted suicide" due to the mistreatment she endured from her husband. However, no official medical diagnosis was ever made, and Brewer reported that her choice to die was due to understandable misery.

In her Facebook post, Catherine claimed that she had made extensive arrangements for her children to find out about her death in the easiest way possible. However, her adopted daughter, Ally, stated that she only found out about her mother's decision to end her life through the post on Facebook. Ally, who was adopted by the Kassenoffs in 2009, also revealed that she was often subjected to intentional abuse by Catherine because she was not her biological daughter.

In the end, the circumstances surrounding Catherine's death remain tragic and complex. While some may see her decision as a final act of revenge against her husband, others see it as a cry for help from a woman who had endured years of abuse and mistreatment. Regardless of one's perspective, it is clear that this was a heartbreaking and devastating situation for all involved.
Catherine Kassenoff and her husband Allan were caught in a bitter legal dispute that unfortunately resulted in a tragic ending. It was a heartbreaking situation that no one should ever have to experience. In a final act of punishment towards her estranged husband, Catherine took her own life at a suicide clinic in Switzerland. This shocking news was revealed by sources close to the family.

On May 23rd of last year, Catherine publicly announced her decision to end her life in a lengthy Facebook post. She wrote, "It is with a heavy heart that I write my final post. Today, I will be ending my own life...I have exhausted all other options. These past four years have been a living nightmare for me." Catherine, who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, claimed that she could no longer endure the abuse and terror inflicted upon her by her husband, Allan.

The couple, who were both lawyers in the US, had been going through a tumultuous divorce for four years. The main source of contention was the custody battle over their three children. In the end, Allan was granted sole custody of their daughters. This decision, coupled with the loss of visitation rights for Catherine, led her to make the difficult decision to end her own life.

The aftermath of Catherine's death was devastating. Allan was subjected to hatred and abuse from strangers, receiving death threats and even having his home targeted. However, new details have recently emerged, shedding light on the circumstances surrounding Catherine's death. Former nannies who had worked for the family revealed shocking details about Catherine's treatment of her children. They claimed that she had punished her adopted daughter, Ally, by constantly dripping water on her head to keep her from sleeping. It was also alleged that she showed favoritism towards her two other daughters who were born through IVF.

In addition to her Facebook post, Catherine had also released videos of her husband and thousands of court documents through Dropbox. One of these documents included a report from UK-based psychiatrist Colin Brewer, who had deemed Catherine to be of sound mind to end her life. It was also revealed that Catherine had originally planned to end her life in October of 2022, but had to postpone due to administrative reasons.

Mr. Brewer described Catherine as being calm and determined during their interactions, despite her exasperation when talking about her husband. He also stated that her decision to end her life was not related to her cancer diagnosis, but rather an "existential assisted suicide." Mr. Brewer's report claimed that Catherine had made careful arrangements for her children to learn about her death in the most gentle way possible. However, Ally, her adopted daughter, stated that she had only found out about her mother's plan through the Facebook post.

Ally was adopted by the Kassenoffs in 2009 from a woman in Florida who was unable to care for her. Although the couple was eventually able to have two more children through IVF, nannies who had worked for the family claimed that Catherine intentionally mistreated Ally because she was not her biological daughter. Kim Hull, who had worked for the family in 2009, shared that she was once instructed by Catherine to keep the baby awake all day by dripping water on her head.

The details surrounding Catherine Kassenoff's death are both tragic and disturbing. It is a reminder of the devastating effects of a bitter divorce and the importance of seeking help during difficult times.

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