A man in Odisha was sentenced to 20 years in prison for raping a young girl.

Ad-hoc judge in Kendrapara sentenced a man to 20 years of RI and fined him Rs52,000 for raping a minor girl after forcefully taking her to his house.

June 30th 2024.

A man in Odisha was sentenced to 20 years in prison for raping a young girl.
In the town of Kendrapara, the Ad-hoc Additional Sessions Judge, Tribikram Keshari Chinhara, has delivered a sentence to a convict for a heinous crime. The convict has been charged with raping a minor girl and has been given a sentence of 20 years in Rigorous Imprisonment. In addition, the judge has also imposed a fine of Rs52,000 on the convict.

According to the prosecution, the accused, Chandan Mallik, forcibly took the minor girl to his house in the Aul police limits on September 15, 2020 and raped her. The Special Public Prosecutor, Manoj Kumar Sahoo, informed the court that the minor girl had gone with her mother to draw water from a nearby tube well when Chandan abducted her and committed the heinous act.

The young victim managed to escape from the spot and immediately informed her grandmother and mother about the ordeal she had gone through. They wasted no time in taking action and filed a First Information Report (FIR) against Chandan and seven others at the Aul police station on September 16, 2020.

The Aul police registered a case against the accused under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. The accused was later arrested and brought to trial.

After carefully examining all the evidence, the judge declared Chandan guilty and handed down the sentence on June 27. In addition to the imprisonment, the judge also ordered the convict to pay a fine of Rs52,000. It was further stated that the convict would have to serve an additional year in jail if he failed to pay the fine.

However, the court found the seven other accused innocent and acquitted them due to insufficient evidence, as stated by the Special Public Prosecutor. The judge also ordered that the fine amount, when collected, should be given to the victim as compensation. Furthermore, the court recommended that the government provide a compensation of Rs5 lakh to the victim for her proper rehabilitation.

The Secretary of the District Legal Services Authority in Kendrapara was directed to take necessary steps to ensure that the compensation amount is sanctioned and given to the victim. This decision was made to ensure that the victim receives the support she needs to move forward with her life after such a traumatic experience.

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