A man brought vegetables to his neighbor but ended up hitting him.

The neighbor asked him to come over for drinks.

July 12th 2024.

A man brought vegetables to his neighbor but ended up hitting him.
In a recent court case, David Harrison stood accused of assaulting his neighbor. What started as a friendly visit quickly turned violent, with Harrison repeatedly punching his neighbor in the face. It all began when Harrison brought over some vegetables to his neighbor's house and was invited in for a few drinks. However, things took a turn for the worse when an argument broke out, leading Harrison to attack his neighbor, leaving him with cuts and bruises.

The details of the argument are unclear, but at one point, Harrison screamed at his neighbor, asking if he thought he was "the man of the valleys." As a result of the attack, the victim now suffers from anxiety attacks and no longer feels safe living near Harrison. During his appearance at Hull Crown Court, Harrison, 37, from Main Street, Bishop Wilton in Yorkshire, pleaded guilty to the charges of assault causing actual bodily harm and another offense of assault.

According to the prosecutor, Ellen Boyes, the incident took place on July 1st of last year. Harrison had knocked on his neighbor's door at around 8 pm with a basket of vegetables. After being invited in, they shared some alcoholic drinks, but things took a turn for the worse after they had been drinking for a while. Harrison left the house, only to return ten minutes later and start shouting aggressively at his neighbor.

He then proceeded to punch the man three times in the face, causing him to lean against his car. Harrison then pushed his neighbor across the bonnet of the car and shoved him to the ground, where he landed on his back. While leaning over him, Harrison continued to shout, asking if his neighbor thought he was "the man of the valleys." He then tried to grab the man with his right arm and yelled, "Do you think you're bad?" It was at this point that a female neighbor heard the commotion and began filming the attack. She then opened her door and shouted, "That's enough!"

As the victim attempted to get up, Harrison punched him for the fourth time, telling him to "F*** off." Both men live on Main Street in Bishop Wilton, and another man who had been drinking at the nearby Fleece Inn heard the commotion and went to investigate. He saw the two men and tried to calm them down, telling them to go home. According to Boyes, he noticed that Harrison was agitated and shouting in the middle of the street and tried to create some distance between the two men.

He even managed to get Harrison to leave the scene twice, but he returned both times. However, on his second attempt, the man was successful, and Harrison went back home. The man then went to the victim's house to inform him that Harrison was back home. However, they were interrupted by a knock on the door, which turned out to be Harrison again. This time, the man pushed Harrison away and told him he was not allowed inside. In response, Harrison swung his arm, hitting the man. The man tried to hit back but missed and fell over.

Harrison's partner and daughter then arrived, and he walked back to his house with them. The police were called, and Harrison was subsequently arrested. The victim suffered a broken toe, a large scratch on the back of his head, a grazed elbow, and a grazed right palm. He also experienced aches and suspected he may have had a concussion. According to Boyes, this was a prolonged and persistent assault, with four punches to the victim's face, causing serious physical injury and having a substantial impact on him. Harrison admitted to being under the influence of alcohol at the time of the offense.

During the police interview, Harrison claimed he acted in self-defense. However, this was not his first offense, as he had 58 previous convictions, including one for assault in 2010 and five for public disorder between 2002 and last year. In a statement, the victim expressed his concern that Harrison might "get away with this" and that he would behave in a similar manner again. He added that the incident has caused him anxiety attacks, and he no longer feels safe in his own home. As a result, he is considering moving away. Harrison was ultimately sentenced to 16 months in jail and given a five-year restraining order.

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