A LEGO enthusiast blows his nose and expels a brick that had been lodged in his nasal cavity for over two decades.

Surprising discovery inside the nose.

September 13th 2024.

A LEGO enthusiast blows his nose and expels a brick that had been lodged in his nasal cavity for over two decades.
Have you heard about the recent news of a LEGO fan who found a brick stuck up their nose for decades? It's quite unbelievable, but it actually happened. This discovery came as a shock to Andi Norton, a 32-year-old resident of Phoenix, Arizona, who found the brick during their morning shower.

Andi had been experiencing congestion and sensitivity in their nose for as long as they could remember, assuming it was just allergies. They were allergic to cats, dogs, grass, and other things, so they didn't think much of it. But little did they know, the root cause of their discomfort was a tiny LEGO piece lodged in their nose since childhood.

For years, Andi had suffered from sinus infections and was advised by a doctor to try blowing their nose in a warm shower. After months of doing so, they were finally able to dislodge the brick that had been stuck for so long. And it wasn't just any brick, it was a piece of LEGO. Suddenly, Andi remembered a long-forgotten memory from their childhood.

Back in 1998, Andi was playing with LEGO toys and thought it would be fun to stick a dot brick up their nose. But things took a turn when the brick got stuck and they couldn't get it out. Andi's initial attempt to rescue the brick failed, and they eventually had to seek help from adults. Their mom used tweezers to remove the head of a LEGO minifigure that Andi had used to try and dislodge the brick. But they couldn't find any other pieces and assumed the discomfort was from the whole ordeal.

It's not uncommon for children to get things stuck in their ears, nose or throat. In fact, over 4,000 foreign objects are removed from these areas each year in the US, according to the National Institutes of Health. Andi's story is just one of many.

Now, Andi is able to breathe through their nose without any restriction, something they've never been able to do before. And after sharing their quirky story on Reddit, they have decided to keep the LEGO piece as a silly keepsake.

It's incredible how something as small as a LEGO brick can cause so much discomfort for so many years. But in the end, Andi's story serves as a reminder to always follow up with medical professionals, no matter how insignificant a situation may seem. Who knows what other surprises may be hiding in our bodies?

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