A girl died from a dairy allergy after consuming hot chocolate with milk at Costa.

The barista was informed of Hannah Jacob's dairy allergy by her mother, according to the family's attorney.

August 9th 2024.

A girl died from a dairy allergy after consuming hot chocolate with milk at Costa.
Hannah Jacobs' mother had ordered her daughter a hot drink from Costa Coffee, thinking it was made with soy milk. Sadly, this innocent decision resulted in a tragic outcome. A 13-year-old schoolgirl, who had been intolerant to dairy, fish, and eggs since she was a toddler, passed away after drinking a hot chocolate from the popular coffee chain in London.

Hannah had taken a sip of the drink while waiting for her dental appointment, only to realize it contained dairy milk instead of the alternative her mother had requested. Despite her mother informing the barista about Hannah's intolerance, the hot drink still ended up containing dairy. The family quickly sought help from a nearby pharmacy and administered an EpiPen, a device used to treat life-threatening allergic reactions by opening up the airways.

Unfortunately, it was too late as Hannah passed away from a suspected anaphylactic reaction on February 8th of last year. Paramedics were called, but they were unable to save her, and she was pronounced dead at 1 pm. An inquest is set to take place at the East London Coroner's Court on Monday to further investigate the circumstances surrounding Hannah's death.

During the inquest, 11 witnesses and experts will provide their testimonies and insights into what may have caused the schoolgirl's fatal reaction. Anaphylaxis occurs when the body's immune system reacts negatively, releasing histamines that act as bouncers to get rid of foreign substances. However, in some cases, these chemicals can trigger severe allergic reactions, causing breathing difficulties, swelling, hives, and low blood pressure.

Although deaths from anaphylaxis are rare, they do occur, and it is estimated that less than 10 fatalities are due to food allergies each year. In the UK, approximately 6% of the population is allergic to some type of food, with nuts like peanuts and almonds being among the most common culprits. It is a tragic event that has left Hannah's family and loved ones devastated.

Costa Coffee has been approached for comment regarding this incident, but no official statement has been released yet. The inquest will hopefully provide some closure and answers for Hannah's family and serve as a reminder of the importance of being vigilant when it comes to food allergies.

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