A French man confesses to drugging his wife in order for other men to rape her.

Dominique Pélicot's testimony is a pivotal moment in a trial that has shocked and captivated France, shedding light on sexual violence.

September 17th 2024.

A French man confesses to drugging his wife in order for other men to rape her.
In a shocking and heartbreaking court case, a 71-year-old man from France has confessed to drugging and allowing dozens of men to rape his wife over the course of nearly a decade. Dominique Pélicot, the defendant, appeared in court on Tuesday and pleaded with his wife and their three children for forgiveness.

With a heavy heart, Mr. Pélicot stated, "Today, I stand before you and admit that I am a rapist, along with the other men involved." He also mentioned that his family was aware of his actions and could not deny the truth. This testimony marks a crucial moment in the trial, which has captured the attention of the entire country and brought to light the issue of sexual violence.

While Mr. Pélicot had already confessed to investigators, his court testimony is crucial in determining the fate of the 50 other men who are also standing trial. Many of the men deny the charges, claiming they were manipulated by Mr. Pélicot or that they believed his wife was consenting.

The victim, Ms. Pélicot, has bravely chosen to waive her anonymity and allow the trial to be public. She has also made appearances in front of the media, becoming a symbol of the fight against sexual violence in France. Ms. Pélicot is expected to speak in court after her ex-husband's testimony, which has been highly anticipated.

Due to French law, filming or photographing inside the courtroom is not allowed. Mr. Pélicot and some of the other defendants are being held in custody during the trial and are brought to court through a special entrance to protect their privacy. Those who are not in custody wear masks or hoods to avoid being filmed or photographed.

After a delay caused by his medical condition, Mr. Pélicot finally appeared in court on Tuesday and admitted to all the charges against him. His testimony, which lasted for an hour, provided insight into his early life and the years of abuse he inflicted upon his ex-wife. He expressed remorse and explained the traumas he endured as a child, which he believes led to his destructive behavior.

Mr. Pélicot tearfully shared that he was raped by a male nurse at the age of nine and was later forced to participate in a gang rape at 14. He also spoke of his father's inappropriate behavior towards a young girl who lived with their family. "My father did the same thing with the little girl," he said, adding that after his father's death, his brother revealed that men used to come to their house.

At 14, Mr. Pélicot asked his mother if he could leave the house, but she did not allow him to. "I don't want to talk about this, I am just ashamed of my father. In the end, I didn't do any better," he said.

When asked about his feelings towards his wife, Mr. Pélicot stated that she did not deserve what he did to her. He expressed regret and acknowledged that she was the one who helped him overcome his traumas. At this point, Ms. Pélicot, who was standing on the other side of the room, put her sunglasses back on.

Mr. Pélicot also stated that he was "crazy" about his wife and that she had replaced everything in his life. However, his actions ultimately led to their divorce and the loss of their 50-year-long marriage. He now faces 20 years in prison if convicted.

The court documents revealed that Mr. Pélicot was caught in 2020 filming up women's skirts in a supermarket. After a search of his house and electronic devices, police found thousands of photos and videos of men engaging in sexual acts with Ms. Pélicot while she appeared to be unconscious. With the help of these recordings, the police were able to track down most of the 72 suspects they were seeking.

Ms. Pélicot and her ex-husband had three children and retired to a small town in Provence after leaving the Paris region. When she was called in for questioning, she initially defended her husband but changed her statement after seeing the evidence. She left him, and they are now divorced.

Along with Mr. Pélicot, 50 other men aged 26 to 74 are standing trial for their involvement in the horrific crimes against Ms. Pélicot. The National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service at 1800RESPECT offers support to those affected by sexual violence.

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