A former WWE star from the 90s was banned from restaurants due to his altercations with a mannequin.

Managers took him out of the building.

July 25th 2024.

A former WWE star from the 90s was banned from restaurants due to his altercations with a mannequin.
Next up, we have a story about former WWE legend, Al Snow, and his antics that often got him kicked out of restaurants during his prime. Fans from the Attitude Era will surely remember Al as the former Hardcore Champion who was known for his infamous Head- a mannequin head with the words "Help Me" written backwards. He would often lead entire arenas in a call and response of "What does everybody want? Head!" It was definitely a different time.

For Al, this was a unique period in his career. Last year, he even starred in a Netflix reality show called Wrestlers. In an exclusive interview with The Agency, Al revealed that he was actually kicked out of "a lot of public places" during that time. "There were a lot of awkward moments, that's for sure," he recalled. "I would often go into restaurants and sit Head across the table from me, ordering dinner for both of us. I would get into arguments and was asked to leave many public places. Managers even had to escort me out a couple of times."

Some may find Al's commitment to his character excessive, but back in the 90s and early 00s, not everyone was fully aware of how professional wrestling worked. The curtain had not been pulled back too much yet. Al and Head often caused problems in public as he would frequently argue with the mannequin head. Al pointed out his logic, saying, "If you and your family were to walk into that restaurant and see me and Head, and then the next week, we show up on TV, you're gonna yell for your family to come running in. 'Hey, look, there's that lunatic that was in the restaurant!' Now, you believe in me. So now, anything I do, you're just bought in. It's not like it's fake anymore. You know what I mean? 'I know, you know, wrestling is fake- but that guy is really crazy. I saw him at the restaurant last week. He's out of his mind!'"

Aside from his time in the ring, Al is also known for his involvement in the Netflix series, Wrestlers, and his work with OVW. He joked that he was "always head of the curve" by "getting cancelled before cancel culture was a thing." He's not far off as his action figure was pulled from shelves due to complaints that it came with a severed female head. Al argued, "It wasn't a decapitated head. It wasn't male or female because I always referred to Head as they/them. There were multiple personalities in the head. And as a result, if you name one, you got to name them all. That's why it gave the character depth. I never referred to Head in a female fashion nor treated as a female in any way. There was always a relationship of control between the two of us."

The pair sparked all sorts of controversy during their time together. Al admitted that there was a part of him that would get "defensive and upset" when people misunderstood the nature of the character, especially when the criticism became widespread. He believes that criticism is fair game if the person has knowledge of the topic at hand and is not taking things "completely out of context." He recalled, "Two weeks later, Johnny Depp's movie, Headless Horseman, was released. In those action figure packages were two actual severed bloody stumped head toys, one of them being a woman. But we didn't hear anyone write a letter saying that it was a training manual for future spousal abusers, like they did with mine. Mine was just a Barbie doll head with "help me" written on the forehead backwards."

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