A firefighter is being accused of intentionally setting fires in order to be seen as a hero.

E. A. Salazar accused of intentionally causing Chilean forest fires that claimed 137 lives and destroyed 2,000 houses.

September 10th 2024.

A firefighter is being accused of intentionally setting fires in order to be seen as a hero.
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A disturbing case has surfaced, involving a volunteer firefighter who allegedly caused deadly fires solely for the purpose of putting them out and being hailed as a "hero." 39-year-old Elías Antonio Salazar from Chile has been arrested by the police for his alleged involvement in deliberately starting a series of forest fires that resulted in the deaths of 137 people and the destruction of 2,000 homes in February. The severity of the situation even led to an official "state of catastrophe" being declared in the affected region.

Mr. Salazar is not the only one facing charges in connection to these devastating fires. He joins fellow firefighter Ignacio Mondaca and Franco Pinto, a worker at the national forest agency, who have been in custody since May. According to authorities, the trio worked together to throw lit cigarettes from their cars onto dry vegetation in at least three different locations around Viña del Mar during a record-breaking heatwave earlier this year. This reckless act is believed to have led to the catastrophic spread of the fires.

It is believed that Mr. Pinto was the mastermind behind this dangerous plot, driven by financial gain. By causing these fires, he may have been able to work overtime and earn more money. However, their actions have caused immeasurable loss and destruction, and now they must face the consequences.

After his arrest on Monday, Mr. Salazar was fired from his job at Senapred, the national disaster prevention and response agency. Investigators also searched his home, seizing a computer and documents as evidence. According to Guillermo Gálvez, a senior detective, Mr. Salazar's main motivation for starting the fires was his desire to be a "hero." He enjoyed being involved in the emergency response and being praised for his bravery.

It was also reported that Mr. Salazar had a history of disregarding safety protocols and going to fires alone, rather than with his colleagues. This reckless behavior had previously resulted in disciplinary action. However, in this case, the consequences of his actions were far more severe. Mr. Salazar is scheduled to appear in court on Tuesday to face charges for his alleged role in causing the deadly fires.

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