A couple was emotionally traumatized after police mistakenly raided their home.

Police broke in while the occupants were sleeping.

August 11th 2024.

A couple was emotionally traumatized after police mistakenly raided their home.
Natalie Gerrard, a 25-year-old shop supervisor, had been fast asleep in bed with her partner when they were rudely awoken by the sound of banging outside their front door. Confused and disoriented, they soon realized that the source of the commotion was a police raid gone wrong.

It was around 10:30am on January 20th when officers, armed with a battering ram, mistakenly targeted Natalie's home in the Welsh town of Maesteg in their search for drugs. As the couple quickly dressed, they were met with the sight of three officers trying to force their way into their home.

Natalie recounts the harrowing experience, saying that her partner was left in tears and on the verge of a panic attack as the officers barged into their home. It wasn't until Natalie pointed out the incorrect address on the search warrant that the police realized their mistake - they had not only targeted the wrong house, but the wrong street entirely.

Despite filing a formal complaint with the South Wales Police, Natalie and her partner feel that their concerns have been repeatedly dismissed with inadequate responses. They also claim that the police have not properly addressed their request for compensation for the emotional distress caused by the incident.

Natalie describes the fear and anxiety that still lingers, even seven months after the incident. She says that they still get scared at the sound of sirens or when someone knocks on their door. The couple also incurred financial losses, as they had to pay nearly £400 in heating bills due to the makeshift door the police had boarded up their front door with.

In addition to monetary compensation, Natalie and her partner want a sincere apology from the police and for the incident to be investigated by the Independent Office for Police Conduct. They feel that the apologies given by the South Wales Police have not been genuine and that they have been subjected to public embarrassment from their neighbors and locals who made comments about the raid and their temporary door.

A spokesperson for the South Wales Police has confirmed that an error was made in identifying the address on the warrant and that an apology has been made to the occupants of the wrongfully targeted home. They also acknowledged that the officers did not meet the high standards expected of them and that the issue is being addressed. However, for Natalie and her partner, the emotional scars and financial losses caused by the incident cannot be easily remedied.

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