A fire occurred in three coaches of Taj Express in Delhi with no reported injuries.

Fire broke out in three coaches of the Taj Express train heading to Jhansi in Sarita Vihar, Delhi. No injuries reported as passengers evacuated in time. Cause of the fire still under investigation.

June 3rd 2024.

A fire occurred in three coaches of Taj Express in Delhi with no reported injuries.
On a regular Monday afternoon, chaos erupted on the Jhansi-bound Taj Express train as three coaches suddenly caught fire. The incident took place in the Sarita Vihar area of southeast Delhi, but luckily, no one was injured as passengers managed to evacuate the affected coaches in time.

As of now, the cause of the fire remains unknown and the railway police are conducting an investigation. According to officials, the train had departed from New Delhi Railway Station at 3 pm and the fire broke out between the Okhla and Tuglakabad railway stations.

The Delhi Fire Services immediately responded to a call at 4:24 pm and dispatched eight fire tenders to the scene. They were able to successfully extinguish the raging flames by 5:43 pm. However, the fire had already caused extensive damage to coaches D3 and D4, while D2 suffered partial damage. These coaches were general chair cars, which were engulfed in huge flames and thick black smoke.

Passengers who were on board the train during the incident shared their terrifying experiences. Many recounted hearing people screaming about a fire and having to quickly evacuate to safety. One passenger mentioned that the emergency chain was pulled while the train was still moving, causing it to immediately stop so that passengers could alight.

Thankfully, a guard on the train checked all the compartments to ensure that no one was left inside. Firefighters also arrived at the scene and worked tirelessly to put out the fire. The police control room received a call about the incident at 4:40 pm and immediately dispatched officers to the location near Apollo Hospital.

Fortunately, no one was harmed as the passengers were able to quickly deboard the train. However, the train was already running 10 hours behind schedule, having departed from New Delhi Railway Station at 3 pm. This train route runs from New Delhi to Jhansi, and unfortunately, the fire occurred between the Okhla and Tuglakabad railway stations.

Railway officials have requested the railway police to conduct a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the fire. Teams of forensic science experts have also been called to the site to assist with the investigation. In the meantime, a senior police officer assured the public that they are diligently working to uncover the truth behind this unfortunate incident.

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