A country with a 98% Muslim population is prohibiting hijabs.

Tajikistan once prohibited full beards and made men shave them forcefully.

June 22nd 2024.

A country with a 98% Muslim population is prohibiting hijabs.
Did you know that Tajikistan is a predominantly Muslim country? In fact, 98% of its population follows the Islamic faith. However, despite this religious majority, the country is now facing a potential ban on the hijab, a traditional head covering worn by many Muslim women.

This decision has sparked controversy as the hijab has long been a part of Tajik culture. In fact, there has been an unofficial ban on wearing religious clothing in public institutions for some time. But now, a new draft law is being considered that would not only ban the hijab, but also its importation, selling, wearing, and even advertisement. Those who defy this law could face hefty fines, ranging from $740 for individuals to $5,400 for organizations.

Mavludakhon Mirzoeva, a Tajik lawmaker, has stated that the draft bill also includes a ban on any clothing that is deemed "foreign" to Tajik culture. Despite the controversy, the bill is expected to be approved and signed into law by President Emomali Rahmon. In the past, the government has gone to great lengths to enforce the unofficial ban, with special task forces and police raids on marketplaces.

This ban on the hijab is not the first time the Tajik government has imposed restrictions on religious practices. In the past, they have also banned bushy beards and forced men to shave against their will. These actions have been criticized by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, who stated that the government of Tajikistan has been violating religious freedom in an effort to maintain control over its citizens.

Interestingly, Tajikistan is not the only country to have banned the hijab. Countries such as France, Denmark, Belgium, Sri Lanka, Bulgaria, China, India, Germany, and Turkey have also implemented similar bans. In fact, in 2022, all Islamic bookstores in the Tajik capital were temporarily closed for violating the religion law. And in 2023, the head of the Committee for Youth and Sports suggested that bloggers should not grow beards as it could be seen as promoting terrorist groups and posing a threat to national security.

In conclusion, the ban on the hijab is a controversial issue in Tajikistan, a country with a strong Muslim presence. It remains to be seen how this ban will affect the country and its people in the future.

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