A blind beggar creates a temple dedicated to Shani in Khurda.

80-year-old blind beggar, Raghu Rout, inspires others by organizing a 3-day Yagna and performing the Purnahuti ritual at a Shani temple in Bhubaneswar.

August 12th 2024.

A blind beggar creates a temple dedicated to Shani in Khurda.
In the bustling city of Bhubaneswar, there is a remarkable man who has captured the hearts of many with his selflessness and determination. Raghu Rout, an 80-year-old visually-challenged man, has spent his entire life begging for alms on the streets. However, his recent actions have set an example for everyone, especially those who are able-bodied. Raghu managed to organize and perform the 'Purnahuti' of a three-day-long Yagna to consecrate a Shani temple on the premises of Hatakeshwar temple in Atri near Khurda. This act was not only a display of his devotion, but also a testament to his unwavering spirit despite living in poverty.

The construction of the Shani temple, which cost over Rs 3 lakh, was solely funded by Raghu's savings from the donations he received from devotees over the years. When asked about his accomplishment, Raghu beamed with pride and said, "My dreams have come true with the blessings of the almighty. Although I cannot physically witness this divine moment, the completion of this task has brought me immense satisfaction." His determination and generosity have truly left a lasting impact on those around him.

It all began when Raghu, who would often beg by the roadside near Hatakeshwar temple, learned that a Shanidev idol had been worshipped under a Peepal tree outside the temple. This sparked a desire within him to contribute towards the construction of a temple for his beloved deity. He shared his idea with the temple servitors' association, who were moved by his devotion and agreed to his proposal. Despite the daunting task ahead, Raghu did not give up and continued to save a portion of his earnings towards the cause until he had enough to build the temple. Dilip Panda, a senior servitor at Hatakeshwar temple, praised Raghu's philanthropic efforts and said, "While most people hesitate to donate these days, Raghu's selflessness is an inspiration to us all."

Raghu's life has been a journey filled with hardships and struggles. He was abandoned by his parents at birth due to his congenital blindness and was later taken in by a man who also eventually left him. As far as he can remember, Raghu has been begging near Hatakeshwar shrine. Despite all the challenges he has faced, he did not let them deter him from his goal of building the Shani temple. It is unfortunate, however, that the man who funded this noble project does not have a roof over his own head.

The temple servitors' association has requested the government to provide Raghu with a pension and a house as he has reached an advanced age. It is clear that Raghu's actions have not only touched the hearts of the people around him, but also sparked a much-needed conversation about the treatment of the differently-abled in society. He has proven that despite his disability, he is capable of achieving great things and has set an example for others to follow. Raghu's story is a reminder that anyone, regardless of their circumstances, can make a positive impact in the world.

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