A 55-year-old man claims that his penis looks bigger after starting the medication Wegovy.

In my opinion, it's an amazing medication.

August 8th 2024.

A 55-year-old man claims that his penis looks bigger after starting the medication Wegovy.
"I'm a convert," James Wills exclaims with a smile on his face. The 55-year-old man has been taking Wegovy for the past six months and he can't stop raving about it. "It's truly a miracle drug," he tells The Agency in an interview. "I have never been one to follow celebrity fads, but this has changed my mind completely. Dieting has always been a painful and boring experience for me, but with a little help from Wegovy, it has become fantastic. And the best part is, it's not just for the elite, it's for everyone."

Being a semi-professional sportsman for over two decades, James has always been conscious about his fitness. However, after stepping back from competing last year, he found himself eating out of boredom and his fitness targets were no longer there to keep him in shape. Despite his daily exercise routine, which included cycling 1,000km every month, James realized that he needed a little extra push to achieve his weight loss goals. So, when he weighed himself after a particularly indulgent Christmas, he knew it was time for a change.

"I came to the realization that I needed a little extra help," James recalls. "I had heard a lot about Ozempic and after doing some research, I decided to give it a try. If it's good enough for Sharon Osbourne, it's good enough for me."

Wegovy, which is the brand name for semaglutide, is one of two weight loss injections available on the NHS. It is typically prescribed to patients with a Body Mass Index (BMI) classified as overweight or obese, along with a healthy diet and regular physical activity. However, it is also available for purchase through specialist pharmacies.

According to the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, Wegovy not only helps with weight loss but also reduces the risk of heart and circulatory diseases in people with excess weight. It works by targeting the parts of the brain that regulate appetite and promoting the release of insulin when blood sugar levels are high. This results in feeling fuller, reduced hunger levels, and fewer cravings for high-fat foods.

The drug is self-administered weekly using an injector pen, which is injected into the upper arms, stomach, thighs, or buttocks. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2023 found that weekly use of Wegovy resulted in a smaller waistline, lower blood pressure, and reduced risk of death from heart and circulatory diseases, heart attack, or stroke.

"It's not a magic cure, though," James clarifies. "It's important to change your diet and reduce calorie intake to see effective results. And regular exercise is also recommended. Plus, there is a possibility of weight regain once you stop using Wegovy."

Some common side effects of semaglutide include sickness, diarrhea or constipation, headaches, tiredness, heartburn, and bloating. However, there are rarer side effects such as gallbladder disease, inflammation of the pancreas, increased heart rate, and kidney issues.

For James, the primary motivation for using Wegovy was to get rid of the dangerous visceral fat around his stomach. "Of course, I also wanted to look a little better," he admits with a chuckle.

Getting hold of Wegovy was easy for James. After providing his details to an online pharmacy, he received a fancy package of injectables in the mail. Describing the process of injecting himself in the stomach once a week, James says, "It doesn't hurt at all, you don't even feel it."

The effects of the drug were almost immediate for James. He found himself feeling full after eating less food and having fewer cravings. Although the drug can be expensive, ranging from £160 to £260 per month, James believes he is actually saving money in the long run.

"My weekly grocery bill has gone down by £40 or £50, and that's not even counting the money I used to spend on wine and Deliveroo orders, which was about £80 to £100 a week," James explains. "And I've also saved a lot on toilet paper because I only go once a day now."

Wegovy was approved for use on the NHS in 2023. Since James's first injection in February, he has lost 20% of his body weight. But for him, it's not just about the numbers on the scale. His blood pressure and visceral fat levels are now within a healthy range, and he even sleeps better and no longer snores. "I feel healthier and mentally better," he says. "My body is in the best condition it has ever been. I have discovered muscles in my forearm that I never knew existed, and I have lost fat while gaining muscle definition."
Meet James Wills, a 55-year-old man who has been on a life-changing journey for the past six months. James, a semi-professional sportsman for over two decades, made the decision to take Wegovy after struggling with his weight and eating habits. In an interview with The Agency, he enthusiastically exclaims, "I think it's a miracle drug, to be honest." As someone who has never been one to follow celebrity trends, James was pleasantly surprised to see the positive effects of Wegovy on his body.

After stepping back from competing in sports last year, James found himself eating out of boredom and no longer having fitness goals to keep him in shape. Despite still exercising daily, James was shocked when he stepped on the scales after a particularly indulgent Christmas. He recalls, "I just thought, you know what? I need a little bit of an extra push." After doing his research, he decided to give Wegovy a try. He adds, "If it's good enough for Sharon Osbourne, it's good enough for me."

Wegovy, also known as semaglutide, is one of two weight loss injections available on the NHS. It is typically prescribed to patients with a Body Mass Index (BMI) in the overweight or obese range, along with a healthy diet and regular physical activity. The drug is also available for purchase through specialist pharmacies. According to the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, Wegovy can help reduce the risk of heart and circulatory disease in people with excess weight.

The way Wegovy works is by targeting the parts of the brain that regulate appetite and promoting the release of insulin when blood sugar levels are high. This helps people feel more full and reduces hunger levels and cravings for high-fat foods. The drug is self-administered with an injector pen once a week, into the upper arms, stomach, thighs, or buttocks.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2023 found that weekly use of Wegovy resulted in a smaller waistline, lower blood pressure, and reduced risk of death from heart and circulatory disease, heart attack, or stroke. However, it is important to note that Wegovy is not a magical cure and patients still need to make lifestyle changes, such as following a healthy diet and exercising regularly, to see results. Some weight regain has been observed in patients after stopping the use of Wegovy.

Like any medication, Wegovy has some potential side effects. These can include sickness, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, tiredness, heartburn, and bloating. In rare cases, it can also cause gallbladder disease, inflammation of the pancreas, an increased heart rate, and kidney issues.

James's primary motivation for taking Wegovy was to get rid of the dangerous visceral fat around his stomach. He admits, "Sure, I wanted to look a little better too." Getting hold of Wegovy was easy for James, as he was able to order it online and have it delivered to his doorstep. He recalls, "After putting my details into an online pharmacy, a fancy package of injectables arrived in the post."

Injecting himself with Wegovy once a week was a painless process for James. He reassures, "It doesn't hurt at all – you don't even feel it." He started to feel the effects of the drug almost immediately, noticing that he became full after eating less and had fewer cravings.

Although Wegovy can be expensive, costing between £160 to £260 per month, James believes he is actually saving money overall. He explains, "My weekly shop went down by £40 or £50 easily, and that's not including wine and Deliveroos which I spent about £80 to £100 a week on." He adds, "I've also saved a lot on toilet paper – I only go once a day now."

Since taking his first injection in February, James has lost 20% of his body weight. However, it's not just about the numbers on the scale for him. His blood pressure and visceral fat are now within a healthy range, and he's even sleeping better and not snoring. He shares, "I feel healthier and mentally better. My body is in as good a condition as it's ever been. I've got muscles in my forearm I never knew were there, I've lost fat, and my muscles have become more defined." James's transformation has been truly remarkable, and he couldn't be happier with the results.

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