A 19-year-old student nurse drowned while swimming at midnight during a trip of a lifetime.

Mille Ann Gentry's volunteer work was cut short after a swimming outing with friends turned tragic.

March 31st 2024.

A 19-year-old student nurse drowned while swimming at midnight during a trip of a lifetime.
Millie Ann Gentry was living out her dream of volunteering at a hospital in Ghana when a tragic accident cut her journey short. The young student nurse, only two weeks into her month-long placement, went for a midnight swim with friends at the beach resort of Busua. What was meant to be a fun evening turned into a devastating event that would leave her loved ones and the community in shock.

According to her friend Erin Byrnes, who was staying with Gentry at the time, the tide suddenly pulled them all in while they were swimming. Despite her efforts to keep Gentry afloat, she had already drowned due to a head injury. Byrnes was fortunate to be rescued by a group of villagers, but it took over four hours for Gentry's body to be recovered from the water.

The post-mortem results confirmed that Gentry had drowned due to the head injury she sustained. Tracy, Gentry's mother, described her daughter as a beautiful and kind-hearted individual who had a passion for taking care of sick children. She also mentioned Gentry's loving boyfriend, Elvis, who encouraged her to explore the world and try new things.

Her friend, who was with her on that fateful night, paid a heartfelt tribute to Gentry, calling her an amazing girl with the kindest soul. The director of the volunteering organization, The Mighty Roar, revealed that volunteers were advised not to swim at night for safety reasons.

The senior coroner concluded that Gentry's death was a result of misadventure and that her friends were overwhelmed by the strong current. There was no evidence of Gentry consuming excessive amounts of alcohol before the incident. Since her passing, a GoFundMe page has been set up in her memory, with over £4,500 raised to support her family. Her legacy and the impact she had on those around her will never be forgotten.

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