A 16-year-old appeared happy but later committed suicide.

My daughter, Jesse, is my angel who is always by my side even when I can't see her.

September 10th 2024.

A 16-year-old appeared happy but later committed suicide.
Heather and her daughter, Jesse, were always inseparable. They had a strong bond that was evident in the way they interacted with each other. As a mother, Heather always made sure to keep a close eye on Jesse and make sure she was safe and happy. So, when they were both awakened by a loud knock on their front door in the early hours of January 2019, Heather's heart skipped a beat. She quickly got out of bed, her partner Simon following closely behind, and rushed to see who it was.

To her utter dismay, it was a police officer standing at their doorstep. Heather's mind raced as she tried to think of a reason why the police would be at their house. She knew it couldn't be good news. The officer asked if Jesse lived there and Heather confirmed that she was her daughter. Confused and worried, Heather asked why they were looking for Jesse. The officer's response left her in shock and disbelief. He explained that they had traced Jesse's IP address to their house and had reason to believe that she was in danger of taking her own life.

Heather's heart sank at the mere mention of the word "suicide". She couldn't fathom the thought of her daughter, her precious angel, going through so much pain that she would consider such a drastic measure. In a panic, Heather raced up the stairs to Jesse's bedroom, relieved to find her sleeping peacefully. She was alive and safe. But as Heather closed the door behind her, a wave of worry and concern washed over her. How could she have missed the signs that her daughter was struggling with her mental health? How bad was it that Jesse felt like she had no other option but to end her own life?

Jesse was always a happy and bubbly child, with a quirky and creative personality. She had a beautiful sense of humor that never failed to make Heather laugh. Heather fondly remembered the Christmas when Jesse got a juicer and enthusiastically made all kinds of juices, covering every surface in the kitchen. It was such a simple memory, but one that Heather cherished dearly. It broke her heart to think that she wouldn't be able to make more memories like that with her daughter.

However, as Jesse started secondary school, Heather noticed a change in her daughter. She became withdrawn and unhappy. One day, Jesse confessed to Heather that she didn't know why she was even alive. Heather was taken aback and didn't know how to respond. She suggested that Jesse speak to a professional, but she refused. As the pressure of school and exams mounted, Jesse started having panic attacks. Heather tried to reassure her that there was more to life than exams, but Jesse couldn't shake off the fear of failure.

At the age of 14, Heather discovered that Jesse was self-harming. She was shocked and panicked, feeling like she had failed as a mother for not noticing her daughter's pain. She confided in a friend who assured her that self-harm was unfortunately common in today's society. Heather was scared and begged Jesse to seek help, but she refused. In 2018, the family moved to Scarborough, hoping for a fresh start. Jesse started studying for her A-levels and got a part-time job at an Escape Room, which she loved. Surprisingly, Jesse confessed to Heather that she had sought help on her own. She had been prescribed antidepressants and was seeing a counselor. Heather was relieved and proud of her daughter for taking the brave step to get the help she needed.

Despite all the help and support, Jesse's mental health continued to deteriorate. And then, in January 2019, the police showed up at their doorstep, looking for Jesse. Heather's heart ached as she realized that despite everything, she had lost her daughter to suicide. It was a devastating blow that no parent should ever have to experience. Heather's only solace was that Jesse was no longer in pain and that she had finally found peace. But she couldn't help but think about all the memories that she would never get to make with her daughter. She was grateful for the time they had together, but it was never enough.
Heather and her daughter, Jesse, were my world. Waking up to their smiling faces every day was the greatest blessing. But on that fateful morning in January 2019, everything changed. A loud knock on the front door startled my partner, Simon, and me out of bed, and we rushed to see who could be visiting at such an early hour. To my surprise, it was a police officer. My heart sank as I knew that this was not good news.

The officer asked if Jesse lived with us, and I confirmed that she was my daughter. Confused and concerned, I asked why he was looking for her. That's when he dropped the bombshell - they had traced Jesse's IP address to our house. I didn't fully understand what that meant, but my heart started racing when he mentioned the word "suicide." Apparently, Jesse had reached out to Childline for help, but the call got disconnected. The counselor who had been speaking to her was worried about her safety.

Without a second thought, I dashed up the stairs to Jesse's bedroom. As I peeked in, I let out a huge sigh of relief. She was sleeping peacefully, her duvet rising and falling with each breath. She was safe. But as I closed the door behind me, a wave of fear washed over me. Was my sweet girl really going through so much pain that she would consider taking her own life? It was a thought that I couldn't bear to entertain.

Jesse was a unique and vibrant soul, full of creativity and a wicked sense of humor. I remember one Christmas when she got a juicer and spent the whole day experimenting with different fruit and vegetable combinations. I couldn't help but laugh as she handed me glass after glass of her delicious concoctions. Our fridge was overflowing with juice for a week, but it was a small price to pay for such a precious memory.

But as Jesse got older, I noticed a change in her. She started to withdraw and became more distant. One day, she confided in me that she wasn't happy and questioned why she was even here. I didn't know how to respond, so I suggested that she speak to a professional who could help her understand her feelings better. But she was hesitant and refused to seek help.

By the time she was 13, Jesse began having panic attacks, especially when it came to school. The pressure of studying for 10 GCSEs was taking a toll on her, and she feared that failing would ruin her future. I tried to reassure her that exams weren't everything and that she had so much more opportunities ahead of her. But she didn't believe me, and her panic attacks only got worse.

At 14, I made a devastating discovery - Jesse had been self-harming. I was shocked and overwhelmed with panic. How could I have missed the signs? I felt like I had failed as a parent. I confided in a friend, who told me that self-harm was sadly prevalent in our society. I was terrified and begged Jesse to seek help, but she refused.

In 2018, we moved to Scarborough, hoping for a fresh start. Jesse started studying for A-Levels and a media course at college, and she even got a part-time job at an Escape Room, which she loved. To my surprise, she then confessed to me that she had sought help on her own. She had gone to the doctor and was prescribed antidepressants and had started seeing a counselor. I was so proud of her bravery and relieved that she was finally getting the help she needed.

But despite my hopes, Jesse's struggle with her mental health took a turn for the worse. And one day, she made the heartbreaking decision to end her own life. It's a pain that I carry with me every day, and I'll never forgive myself for not being able to save her.

Content warning: this article discusses suicidal thoughts and self-harm.

Jesse was a beautiful, quirky, and creative soul who brought so much joy into my life. She loved trying out new recipes and was always the life of the party. But as she got older, she started to withdraw, and her mental health took a turn for the worse. She confided in me that she wasn't happy, but she couldn't explain why. I suggested that she speak to a professional, but she refused.

As the pressure of exams and school intensified, Jesse's panic attacks became more frequent. She was terrified of failing and believed that it would ruin her future. I tried to reassure her and tell her that there was more to life than exams, but she didn't believe me. At 14, I discovered that she had been self-harming, and I was devastated. I felt like I had failed as a parent.

In 2018, we moved to Scarborough, hoping for a fresh start. Jesse started college and got a part-time job, and I thought things were looking up. But her struggles with mental health continued, and she made the brave decision to seek help on her own. She started taking medication and seeing a counselor, and I was so proud of her for taking charge of her well-being.

But tragically, it wasn't enough. Jesse's mental health continued to deteriorate, and she made the heartbreaking decision to take her own life. I'll never forget the pain and guilt that washed over me when I found out. I wish I could have done more to help her.

Jesse will always be my sweet, creative, and hilarious daughter, and I'll never stop missing her. And I hope that by sharing her story, I can raise awareness about the importance of mental health and the devastating impact it can have on young people.

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