A 13-year-old girl got suspended from school due to blisters caused by her shoes.

Her behavior isn't bad, she's just in pain.

September 10th 2024.

A 13-year-old girl got suspended from school due to blisters caused by her shoes.
A concerned mother, Sammi Castle, was outraged at the way her daughter, Maisie, was treated at her high school. Maisie, a 13-year-old student at Denton Community College in Manchester, was suspended for wearing trainers instead of her new school shoes that had caused her painful blisters on her feet. Sammi was angry and frustrated with the school's strict rules and lack of compassion.

The incident occurred on Maisie's first day back at school. She had gotten blisters on the back of her feet from her new school shoes and her mother, Sammi, had sent her to school in plain black Nike trainers the next day. Maisie wore them for the whole day without any issues, but when she arrived at school the following day in the same trainers, she was told that she would be placed in isolation. This meant that Maisie would not be able to leave the classroom during break or lunch.

Sammi was shocked and upset by this punishment and refused to accept it. As a result, Maisie was suspended for the day and Sammi had to come and collect her from school. Sammi was confused as to why her daughter was being punished for something as simple as wearing comfortable shoes. She explained, "I could have kept her off, but she was fine in the trainers as they are really soft. But I don't agree with her having to be isolated. She's not been naughty. She's just got sore feet."

When Sammi showed the teacher a picture of Maisie's blisters, the teacher claimed that alternative footwear had been offered to Maisie. However, Sammi did not want her daughter to wear shoes that may have been previously worn by someone else, as they may not be comfortable for her. She said, "Are you telling me that if that was your child's feet then you'd put them back in those shoes?" The teacher's response was unsympathetic, as she suggested using band-aids to cover the blisters.

With Maisie's feet still sore on Monday, Sammi requested a doctor's note, but was told that the GP would not get involved in uniform disputes. Sammi then spoke to the headteacher, who assured her that Maisie would be given a note for Monday. However, when she spoke to the headteacher again later in the day, she was told that Maisie would still have to go to isolation.

Frustrated with the school's strict rules and lack of understanding, Sammi refused to let her daughter go to isolation and requested a note from the school. She said, "Why does she have to be put in prison all day when she's not done anything wrong? And I'm not happy that this suspension will now be on her school record." Sammi also revealed that this was not the first time she had issues with the school's strict rules. She said, "They won't even let them go to the toilet in lesson time, which can be a real problem for the girls especially."

Sammi also shared an incident from the previous year when Maisie felt sick at school and wanted to go home, but the school did not allow her to. Sammi had to call the school and insist that her daughter be allowed to come home, as she was not feeling well. Sammi said, "We were told her absence wouldn't be authorised and when we got home she was sick everywhere. I know they need to have boundaries and some kids take the mick, but they really are too controlling."

A spokesperson for Denton Community College responded to the incident, stating that the school has high expectations for student conduct and uniform, and expects all students to follow reasonable requests from adults. They also mentioned that the school has seen significant improvements in student performance, but Sammi believes that the school's strict rules may be too controlling.

In the end, Sammi's main concern was her daughter's well-being and comfort. She just wanted her daughter to be able to wear comfortable shoes without being punished for it. The school has assured that they are working with parents to resolve the matter, but Sammi remains skeptical.

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