6 indications that divorce may be looming if your marriage is struggling.

Acknowledge the issue to collaborate and find a solution.

December 10th 2024.

6 indications that divorce may be looming if your marriage is struggling.
Ignoring red flags in a relationship can lead to serious consequences. While some may claim that their partner's request for a divorce came out of nowhere, the truth is that there were likely warning signs that they failed to acknowledge. In fact, this lack of awareness could even be a contributing factor to the breakdown of the relationship. Ignorance may be bliss for one person, but for the other, it can feel like their needs are being ignored.

According to Leo Tolstoy, compatibility is not the key to a happy marriage. Instead, it's how a couple deals with their incompatibilities that truly matters. This means recognizing and addressing issues in the relationship in order to work together towards a solution. As the founder of Easy Online Divorce and an author on marriage breakdown, James Brien has seen numerous couples go their separate ways. He shares six red flags that could indicate trouble in a relationship and potentially lead to a split.

A strong and healthy relationship relies on communication. When communication breaks down, it can be one of the first signs of trouble in a marriage. James advises couples to take a step back and consider why they may no longer be asking about each other's day or listening to each other's responses. A solid marriage is built on being able to open up and have meaningful conversations. When this starts to slip, it's important to address the issue and get back on track before it leads to emotional disconnection.

The Gottmann theory of "missed bids" further emphasizes the importance of feeling heard and understood by one's partner. When warmth and love start to fade and are replaced by hostility and negativity, it's a clear sign that something is amiss in the relationship. James suggests seeking help from a counsellor to address any underlying issues before they escalate.

Feeling unsupported in a marriage can also be a warning sign. While a healthy relationship involves teamwork, this may not always be the case. One partner may take on the majority of practical tasks or struggle to find emotional support. James stresses the importance of both partners feeling their needs are being met. Resentment can build when one partner feels they are doing more than their fair share. It's crucial to have open and honest discussions about each other's needs and give each other the time and space to make necessary changes.

Intimacy is a vital aspect of any relationship, but it doesn't just refer to physical intimacy. Holding hands, cuddling on the sofa, and simply being close to one another are all forms of intimacy. However, if the level of intimacy changes, it's important to address it and communicate with your partner about your needs. Don't be afraid to discuss any concerns or issues that may be affecting your intimacy and work together to re-establish a strong connection.

Happy couples often have shared aspirations for the future, whether it's traveling or planning for retirement. If it seems like you and your partner are not on the same page when it comes to your future together, it could be a sign of trouble. One or both partners may start making plans without the other or talk about life events as if the other won't be present. It's important to discuss any discrepancies and determine if your goals and dreams still align.

It's not uncommon for people to have thoughts about a new life when their relationship is struggling. Comedian Daniel Sloss sparked controversy when he asked couples if their partner truly completes their life or if they are just afraid of being alone. In one of his relationships, he even fantasized about his partner passing away, freeing him from the relationship without having to break up with her. While this may seem extreme, it's not uncommon for people to have similar thoughts when facing difficulties in their relationship. James advises against constantly thinking about other options and encourages couples to address their issues together through counseling and self-help resources.

While these red flags may indicate trouble in a relationship, it's important to remember that they can be addressed and potentially salvaged. By working together and seeking help when needed, couples can avoid being blindsided by divorce. Don't hesitate to reach out for support if you are facing difficulties in your relationship. This article was originally published on November 4, 2024. If you have a story to share, please get in touch by emailing us.

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