"5 ways to achieve a healthy work-life balance."

Alter plans for World Mental Health Day.

October 10th 2024.

In today's fast-paced world, it's all too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of work and forget to take care of ourselves. We may have to work in order to make a living, but it's crucial that we don't let our jobs consume us and leave no time for the things that truly matter in life. This is why it's important to set some boundaries between our work and personal lives. However, implementing these boundaries can be easier said than done. As we celebrate World Mental Health Day this year with a focus on workplace mental health, it's the perfect time to start making positive changes in our lives.

But where do we start? According to Professor Sir Cary Cooper, an organizational psychologist from the University of Manchester, there are five steps that everyone should follow. First and foremost, it's important to prioritize our tasks and set a specific time to clock off from work. Research has shown that working long hours can lead to both physical and psychological illness, and it can also decrease productivity and creativity. By prioritizing our tasks, we can ensure that we finish our work on time and have time for the people who matter to us, such as family and friends.

Another important step is to limit our usage of smartphones to work hours only. Professor Cooper advises against checking work emails at night, on weekends, or during holidays. While it may be necessary to keep our phones on for urgent calls, constantly being connected to work can have a negative impact on our work-life balance. It's important to disconnect and make time for our loved ones and ourselves. In fact, Professor Cooper points out that using smartphones before bedtime can disrupt our sleep patterns, leading to health issues.

To further explore the topic of setting work-life boundaries, we turned to mindfulness coach Claire Renée Thomas for some tips. She suggests identifying the areas where work is bleeding into our personal lives and causing us to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. By noticing patterns and specific triggers, we can better understand where our boundaries are being tested. Then, it's essential to define our own rules and communicate them to others. For example, we can make a rule to not check work emails after a certain time. It's important to practice saying these boundaries out loud and sticking to them.

To make the process easier, Thomas suggests starting with small, achievable changes and building on them. It's also important to have a conversation with those who may be involved in our work-life balance, such as colleagues or family members. By explaining the impact of not having proper boundaries and our plan to change that, we can gain their support and understanding. And most importantly, we must stick to our boundaries and acknowledge our success in maintaining them.

In conclusion, setting work-life boundaries is crucial for our mental and physical well-being. It may seem challenging, but with the right steps and support, we can achieve a healthier work-life balance. So let's take the advice of experts and start prioritizing our tasks, limiting our smartphone usage, and setting clear boundaries between work and personal life. After all, we all deserve to live a fulfilling life both inside and outside of work.
As we navigate through life, we all have to work in order to make a living. However, in the midst of our busy schedules, it's crucial that we don't forget to actually live. This may seem like common sense, but it's easier said than done. It's all too easy to get caught up in our jobs and allow work to consume our personal time. That's why it's important to implement some boundaries, so we can maintain a healthy work-life balance.

October 10th marks World Mental Health Day, with this year's focus being on workplace mental health. It's the perfect opportunity to start making positive changes in our work habits. But where do we even begin?

According to Professor Sir Cary Cooper, an organizational psychologist from the University of Manchester, there are five steps that everyone should follow. Firstly, we need to prioritize our tasks so we can clock off at a reasonable time, like 5pm. Research has shown that constantly working long hours can lead to physical and psychological illness, and it also decreases productivity and creativity. By prioritizing our tasks, we can finish work on time and have more energy to spend with our loved ones.

Another important step is to limit our usage of smartphones to work hours. It's become a common habit for many people to check their emails at night, on weekends, and even while on vacation. However, this constant connection to work is not healthy for our work-life balance. Professor Cooper suggests keeping our phones on for important calls, but avoiding checking emails outside of work unless it's absolutely urgent. This allows us to fully engage in activities and relationships outside of work without the distraction of our phones.

It's also worth noting that using our smartphones in bed can have negative effects on our overall health. Studies have shown that looking at our phones before bed can disrupt our sleep patterns. As we all know, a good night's sleep is essential for our well-being.

In addition to Professor Cooper's advice, mindfulness coach Claire Renée Thomas offers some top tips for setting work-life boundaries. Firstly, we need to identify where we lack boundaries. Where do we let work bleed into our personal life, and how does it leave us feeling? Secondly, we should pay attention to any patterns that may arise, such as certain days or times when boundaries become blurred. Thirdly, we need to define our own rules and communicate them clearly to those around us. This could include not checking emails after a certain time or setting aside specific times for personal activities.

Next, we can start implementing our plan of action. This may involve having a conversation with our colleagues or boss about our boundaries and the impact it has on us. It's important to explain our boundaries without judgment or blame and to be prepared for any surprises in their response. Lastly, we need to walk our talk and stick to our boundaries, giving ourselves credit for successfully maintaining them.

In conclusion, it's essential to have work-life boundaries in order to maintain a healthy balance between our personal and professional lives. By following these steps and setting clear boundaries, we can improve our overall well-being and enjoy our lives to the fullest. So let's take the opportunity on World Mental Health Day to start making positive changes for our own sake and for the sake of those around us.

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