34 people in Odisha have died from sunstroke.

34 sunstroke deaths in Odisha this summer, with 4 more confirmed cases according to official statement. 149 suspected cases reported.

June 4th 2024.

34 people in Odisha have died from sunstroke.
In Odisha this summer, the number of deaths related to sunstroke has increased to 34, according to a recent statement from an official on Tuesday. Out of 149 reported cases of suspected sunstroke deaths, 34 have been confirmed to be caused by the intense heat, while 24 were due to other illnesses. The remaining 91 cases are still under investigation, as stated by the Special Relief Commissioner of the state.

The recent 24-hour period saw two more suspected sunstroke deaths, bringing the total number to 147, as of June 3. Of these, 30 cases have been officially confirmed as sunstroke-related deaths, while it was discovered that the other 20 were caused by different factors, according to the statement.

In order to properly determine the cause of each death and provide necessary aid, the government has instructed districts to conduct post-mortem examinations on all suspected sunstroke deaths. Additionally, a joint inquiry by the local revenue officer and the medical officer must be carried out for accurate information on each case, officials have stated.

This increase in sunstroke-related deaths serves as a reminder for individuals to take necessary precautions during the summer season. It is important to stay hydrated, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, and seek immediate medical attention if experiencing symptoms of heat-related illnesses. Let us all work together to prevent further tragedies and keep ourselves and our loved ones safe during the hot weather.

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