28-year-old flight attendant accused of attempted suicide following abuse.

Tori desires to return home, it's that simple.

July 10th 2024.

28-year-old flight attendant accused of attempted suicide following abuse.
Tori Towey, a 28-year-old air hostess from Ireland, finds herself stuck in Dubai after a series of unfortunate events. She claims to have been a victim of domestic abuse and is now facing charges for attempting to end her own life. According to Tori, her husband attacked her with a knife and then proceeded to punch her and hit her with the bathroom door, leaving her with severe bruises. In a desperate attempt to escape the pain, Tori tried to take her own life, but luckily she survived.

Due to the charges against her, Tori is now unable to leave the state and return home to Ireland. She is currently staying in a rented property with her mother, Caroline, who is providing her with much-needed support. Tori longs to put this traumatic experience behind her and return to her home country. In a plea to the Taoiseach, she asks for assistance in resolving her situation.

The legal group Detained in Dubai has also taken an interest in Tori's case. CEO Radha Stirling is calling on the authorities to drop the charges against Tori and allow her to go back to Ireland with her mother. She highlights the irony of alcohol being promoted as legal in the UAE, while people are still being charged for its consumption and possession. Radha describes Tori's experience as tragic and expresses gratitude that she is still alive.

The Sinn Fein president, Mary Lou McDonald, has raised Tori's case in the Irish Parliament, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. She demands that the Irish government intervenes and ensures that no woman, especially an Irish citizen, is treated in such a way. Irish premier Simon Harris responds by promising to intervene and provide support for Tori.

Tori's case is set to be heard in court on July 18, and she could potentially face jail time. Her aunt, Ann Flynn, speaks on behalf of the family and expresses their stress and concern for Tori. She describes Tori as a beautiful and fun-loving woman who was living her dream working for Emirates. Ann also mentions Tori's love for Dubai and the network of friends she had there.

In light of Tori's situation, support is available for those who may be struggling with similar issues. The Samaritans offer a 24-hour helpline for emotional support, and PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide UK provides a digital support platform for young people. It's important to reach out for help when needed, and know that there is always support available.

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