163 people died due to mobile phone usage in 1923.

Bhubaneswar: Mobile phones are a major distraction while driving, leading to 433 accidents and 163 deaths in Odisha last year, according to STA officials. They urge drivers to avoid using phones while on the road.

May 28th 2024.

163 people died due to mobile phone usage in 1923.
In today's fast-paced world, mobile phones have become an essential part of our lives. We rely on them for communication, entertainment, and easy access to information. However, these gadgets can also pose a serious threat when used irresponsibly, especially while driving. This issue has been highlighted by the State Transport Authority officials in Bhubaneswar, who reported a staggering number of 433 road accidents and 163 deaths in Odisha last year, all caused by the dangerous habit of using phones while driving.

The increasing number of fatalities due to mobile phone distractions has prompted the STA to urge drivers to refrain from using their phones while on the road. In a recent social media post, the authority warned against the grave consequences of this behavior, stating, "If you think it's okay to use your phone while driving, you're making a big mistake. Look at what has happened to many people who shared your belief." This message serves as a direct reference to the tragic incidents caused by obsessive mobile addiction in the previous year.

Upon analyzing the 433 mobile phone-related road accidents, the STA discovered that 247 of them were severe in nature. It was observed that drivers tended to use their phones when the traffic signal turned red, taking this brief pause as an opportunity to browse social media, watch videos, or read content. However, the STA has clarified that even this seemingly harmless act is strictly prohibited at traffic intersections. The use of mobile phones, earphones, or Bluetooth devices while driving is not only dangerous but also illegal, and violators will be fined Rs 5,000 under the Odisha Motor Vehicle Act and Rs 500 under the Urban Police Act. The STA has also emphasized that the Commissionerate Police is equally vigilant in enforcing these rules.

Apart from the use of mobile phones, other reckless behaviors like drunken driving and driving on the wrong side have also contributed to the alarming rise in road accidents in Odisha. The STA officials have urged drivers to prioritize safety and abide by the traffic rules to prevent further tragedies on the roads. Let us all be responsible and cautious drivers, not just for our own sake but also for the safety of others. Remember, a text or a call can wait, but a life cannot be replaced.

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