137-year-old shipwreck discovered at lake bottom.

After using hints from a newspaper, explorers located the ship.

March 26th 2024.

137-year-old shipwreck discovered at lake bottom.
More than a century ago, a steamship met its tragic fate as it collided with another ship in the vast waters of Lake Michigan. Now, explorers have discovered the remains of this historic vessel, lying 360 feet below the surface of the lake, in remarkably good condition.

It all began when a group of explorers, intrigued by newspaper clippings dating back to the 1880s, set out on a mission to find the sunken ship. These clippings provided valuable clues about the ship's last voyage - it had set off from Muskegon, Michigan, to pick up lumber before heading to Chicago. Armed with this information, the team used sonar technology to locate the Milwaukee steamship, which had collided with another ship called the C. Hickox in 1886.

With the help of a remote operated vehicle (ROV), the team was able to get a closer look at the steamship and its surroundings. According to Jack van Heest, who piloted the ROV, the visibility at the bottom of the lake was surprisingly clear. As they made their way down, they could see the forward mast still standing tall, a testament to the ship's sturdy construction.

It was a calm day on Lake Michigan when the steamship met its unfortunate end. Despite the smoke from nearby wildfires, the lake's surface was tranquil. However, it was the failure of both captains to follow the then-modern navigational rules that ultimately led to the collision. These rules required them to slow down, move to the right, and sound their steam whistles. But as fate would have it, the captain of the Hickox was battling thick fog and attempted to turn and sound the whistle, which ended up breaking the chain and causing the crash.

Thankfully, all passengers and crew members were able to make it safely onto the Hickox before the Milwaukee sank to the bottom of the lake. The only casualties were the captains' licenses, as they were temporarily suspended for their negligence. At the time, the Milwaukee steamship was owned by businessman Lyman Gates Mason, who had purchased the ship and converted it from a passenger vessel to a lumber hauler in the wake of the Wall Street panic of 1873.

Despite its unfortunate end, the Milwaukee steamship had a rich history. Originally designed with three decks, including one specifically for passengers, it eventually underwent changes to accommodate more cargo and fewer passengers. However, there are no records of how Mr. Mason accomplished this transformation, leaving this aspect of the ship's history shrouded in mystery.

Today, the Milwaukee steamship serves as a poignant reminder of the past, lying peacefully on the lake bed, a silent witness to the events that unfolded over a century ago. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of the exploration team, this piece of history has been brought back to the surface, allowing us to honor and remember the lives lost in this tragic accident.

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