13-year-old prodigy, a Black role model, graduates high school & inspires future leaders.

Caden Harris graduated high school at 13 years old.

October 11th 2023.

13-year-old prodigy, a Black role model, graduates high school & inspires future leaders.
Caden Harris is an extraordinary 13-year-old African-American teen from Atlanta, Georgia. He has achieved a remarkable milestone by graduating high school at such a young age and is now ready to start a new journey in life.

Caden is driven by a mission to positively impact the lives of 500,000 children through comprehensive financial literacy education. He became famous when he and his Dad transformed a school bus into a mobile financial literacy classroom. This has allowed Caden to bring financial education directly to schools and communities. He has already left an indelible mark, having empowered and educated 50,000 children about the principles of sound financial management.

Now, with his high school graduation behind him, Caden is setting his sights on an even more ambitious endeavor. He is traveling across the nation, visiting schools, and mentoring the next generation of budding entrepreneurs and financial leaders. Through engaging workshops, interactive sessions, and his charismatic presence, Caden aims to instill invaluable financial knowledge and leadership skills in young minds.

Caden's story serves as a source of inspiration for all, proving that age is no obstacle to making a profound difference in the world. As he continues to share his expertise and enthusiasm for financial literacy, he is embodying the spirit of empowerment, aiming to shape a brighter and more financially savvy future for children nationwide.

If you would like to inquire more about Caden's story or schedule an interview, please contact his Dad, Dr Sean J Harris, at [email protected].

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