Zopiclone & Its Mechanism Of Action

Can I Buy Zopiclone To Induce Sleep?

Zopiclone is a CNS depressant that helps induce sleep in those who have severe insomnia. It is a medication that is given for a very concise period in order to reduce drug dependence. This drug directly affects GABA by increasing its transmission to the brain inducing tranquillisation effects. When the level of GABA increases, insomnia decreases and you fall asleep quickly. GABA promotes sleep by inhibiting all the actions in neurons. When the neurons calm down, sleep is induced. So, the answer to your question, Can I buy Zopiclone to induce sleep, is Yes. 


Does Zopiclone Improve Deep Sleep?


Yes, it makes you fall asleep, prevents insomnia, and promotes healthy and deep sleep. Zopiclone improves your energy level by inducing more sleep at night. If you get proper sleep, you will be more energetic in the morning. It stops you from waking up after every few minutes at night. So if you are wondering, Can I buy zopiclone, definitely you can. 


Dose & Directions To Take Zopiclone


  • Take zopiclone only when you severely need it. The recommended dose is 1 tablet before bedtime.

  • Try to use sleep hygiene techniques to induce sleep. If you do not get the results, then switch to zopiclone.

  • A lower dose is always better than a double or high dose.

  • Do not repeat the dose several times at night. Just take it once.

  • Always follow the doctor’s instructions to get the utmost benefits of the tablet.

  • Older people should avoid or take just a half tablet once at night.


Cautions While Taking Zopiclone


Take extra care while you are using any drug to prevent the risk of side effects.




Zopiclone causes drowsiness which can last up to 12 hours. You can feel dizziness, hangover, or falls. So try to take a low dose.


Avoid Alcohol:


Stop drinking because it can cause severe breathing issues and can make you more drowsy.


Avoid driving or biking:


Zopiclone makes you sleepy so do not drive during this condition. It can be dangerous.


Risks Of Falls:


Zopiclone affects your concentration and makes you fall and weakens your muscles.

The following people have a greater risk of falling:

  • Older people

  • People getting up from bed at night

  • People who take other sedatives along with it


Do not Stop Zopiclone Suddenly


You can face withdrawal symptoms if you quit it suddenly. Those symptoms can be very harmful. Take proper medical aid before quitting it. In this way, you can prevent yourself from getting withdrawal effects. 


Dependence on Zopiclone


Zopiclone can be addictive if you take it for more than 2 or 3 weeks regularly. The risk of addiction is greater among people who are drug addicts, mentally disabled, or depressed. Following are the symptoms of its addiction:


  • Facing difficulty in quitting the medicine

  • Not getting sleep without taking it

  • Headache

  • Nervousness

  • Irritability




If you have this question in mind, Can I buy Zopiclone to induce sleep? You can give it a try by reading all the above-mentioned information. It is highly effective if used properly. Take your medical assistance to reduce any kind of risk. You can get it online sourced through the Fast Med Store. 

