Young politician, pregnant at 15, opens up about being manipulated by an older man.

The woman felt ashamed, guilty, and responsible after her pregnancy.

July 19th 2024.

Young politician, pregnant at 15, opens up about being manipulated by an older man.
Natalie Fleet had experienced a difficult time growing up. Her family was struggling and they even became homeless at one point. Despite these challenges, Natalie had a determination to make sure her child would have a good life. She didn't think about herself or the impact, she just wanted to be a good parent.

But things were not easy for Natalie. She became pregnant at a very young age and these circumstances left her feeling ashamed and guilty. She didn't fully understand what had happened to her at the time, but looking back now, she realizes that what the older man did was not okay. She was a child and this was statutory rape.

Natalie recently shared her story with Gloria de Piero from GB News, hoping to become a voice for other women who have children in less than ideal circumstances. She spoke about the impact this experience had on her, stating that she still has weekly nightmares. When she finally told her daughter about what happened, she was shocked to find that there was no advice available for women in her situation.

Natalie is now a mother of four and she wants to use her platform as a new Labour MP to raise awareness about women in her situation and take action to support them. She believes that the Labour party's upcoming term in government will bring about positive change and break down barriers to opportunity. Natalie herself is a product of the previous Labour government and she knows firsthand the transformational impact it can have on someone's life.

Despite the challenges she faces as an MP, including not being able to go to the shop in her pajamas and having to carry a panic alarm, Natalie sees her job as an opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of others. She believes that when she is able to help children who are not as fortunate as her own, it is truly incredible. Her interview with GB News will be broadcasted on Sunday afternoon, and she hopes that by sharing her story, she can bring attention to the thousands of women who experience similar situations in the UK and advocate for their support.

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