Young Avani gets hurt on EastEnders when she declines to sleep with older boyfriend.

Is she going to be alright?

October 15th 2024.

Young Avani gets hurt on EastEnders when she declines to sleep with older boyfriend.
Avani Nandra-Hart was facing some difficult times ahead. Her relationship with her older boyfriend, Mason, was taking a turn for the worse in next week's episode of EastEnders. Avani had been getting closer to Mason, despite her friend Barney's concerns. But now, he was pressuring her to sleep with him and it was starting to scare her.

Feeling unsure about what to do, Avani turned to her friend Lily for advice. Little did she know that their conversation was being overheard by the conniving Tommy Moon. He wasted no time in telling Avani's mother, Priya, about what he had heard. Priya was furious and immediately went to confront her daughter, who was spending the evening with Barney. Avani's father, Ravi, also believed that Barney was her boyfriend.

In the upcoming scenes, Nugget caught Avani texting her new love interest and she begged him to keep it a secret. But later, Ravi confiscated her phone and asked Priya to help him access it. However, Priya reassured him that there was nothing to worry about, as Avani had confided in her that she was actually dating Barney. Ravi decided to leave her messages unread and returned the phone to her.

Meanwhile, Avani met up with Mason on Edward Road and tried to explain that she wasn't ready to sleep with him. A heated argument broke out and Mason ended up giving her a busted lip. Avani rushed back to the Square and was seen by her father. She quickly made up a story to cover up her injuries, but Ravi was convinced that Barney was responsible and was determined to teach him a lesson.

Ravi's anger led to a physical altercation with Barney's dad, Teddy, and Avani pleaded for him to stop. Just as things were getting out of hand, the police arrived on the scene. As the week went on, the Panesar family plotted their revenge against the Mitchells, but Suki stepped in and told Ravi that she didn't want to see him get arrested. Surprisingly, Nish offered to intervene instead.

But could Nish's involvement make the situation even worse? As always, avid fans can join the 10,000 strong soaps community on Metro's WhatsApp and stay up to date with the latest spoilers, videos, and exclusive interviews. Just click on the link and select 'Join Chat' to join in on the soap gossip. And don't forget to leave a comment below to join the conversation and stay updated on all things soaps on our homepage.

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