You only need one to work out

During a time when I was simultaneously in need of a break and losing hope that any of my shots would work, a friend pulled me aside and said – “Keep working the process and don’t lose hope. You only need one to work out.”

Every once a while, you hear a timely piece of perspective that changes everything for you.

That line did it for me. It completely shifted my perspective.

Over time, I’ve come to appreciate the importance of this perspective through the lens of many a friend and acquaintance’s job seeking journeys. That one thing rarely works out on schedule. But, given time, space, irrational optimism, iterative learning, and some dumb luck, it does.

For those seeking opportunities right now, those timelines have likely been lengthened given the pandemic. Hope you’re able to keep working the process.

All it takes is for one to work out.

PS: Closing the loop on the Premium subscriptions – if you filled that form, you should have heard back from me by Sunday night PT/Monday morning in Asia (and some time in between elsewhere). If you haven’t, please just send me a note on rohan at rohanrajiv dot com. Thanks!
