Yapit is a new social media app that gives users financial rewards.

Atlanta's tech scene is growing and Merrifield wants to bring more diversity to it through their new app.

May 23rd 2024.

Yapit is a new social media app that gives users financial rewards.
Yapit, a unique social media app, stands out in a sea of popular platforms. Its CEO, Alvin Merrifield, envisioned a community where everyone could benefit from their engagement, unlike other apps that catered only to influencers. He saw the potential for social media to become a lucrative market and wanted to transform it into a place where everyday users could monetize their time spent online.

Merrifield explained, "We focus on social monetization, not just social media. While social media was originally created for connecting and sharing, it has evolved into a multi-billion dollar industry. As the market changed, I realized that people would want to get more value out of their time on social media. That's where Yapit comes in - to revolutionize the platform and ensure that everyone can reap its benefits."

The app works by allowing users to earn money from their posts, as well as engagement through likes, comments, and shares. This can be achieved through various means such as ads, product placement, and engagement on content. Yapit also offers the option of using rewards or points earned towards e-commerce and ticketing for promoted events, similar to TikTok Shop. This breaks the barrier of payouts being reserved for influencers and includes everyday users in the earning potential of social media.

Merrifield shared his vision for the app, "I built Yapit as an ecosystem within a social media framework, providing a platform for all types of content. Content creators and users receive a share of the revenue generated in real-time through an integrated wallet. Creators can choose to share their content for free or charge a fee, while users are rewarded for their engagement. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved."

Based in Atlanta, Yapit not only aims to revolutionize the social media scene but also diversify the tech industry. According to Wifitalent, tech executive roles are dominated by white or Asian men, making up 90% of the workforce. Merrifield hopes to inspire other minorities to chase their ambitions in the field, stating, "As a minority in tech, I want to share our journey and success to inspire others. The key is to believe in your vision and stay true to yourself, regardless of where you come from or how you look."

Currently, the app is available for download on the App Store, with its beta stage well underway. Yapit also has a business division, Yapex, that generates revenue and offers back-end solutions for companies, further contributing to its flagship platform. Yapit's innovative approach to social media and its efforts towards diversity in the tech industry make it a promising platform for all users to benefit from.

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