Xavier University of Louisiana canceled UN Ambassador's commencement speech due to student backlash.

HBCU President Verret reversed decision, wants students to celebrate without interruption.

May 11th 2024.

Xavier University of Louisiana canceled UN Ambassador's commencement speech due to student backlash.
Xavier University of Louisiana recently made the difficult decision to cancel the upcoming commencement address by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield. This announcement came after a number of students voiced their objections. In an email sent on May 8, HBCU President Reynold Verret shared the decision reversal with faculty, staff, and students. He expressed his desire for students to be able to fully enjoy this moment without any disruptions, stating that the goal is to have a commencement ceremony that appropriately honors the graduates and their achievements.

The main reason for the cancellation was the rejection of Thomas-Greenfield by students due to her past positions on the war in Gaza. The U.S. had previously vetoed three cease-fire resolutions proposed by other countries before presenting a resolution in March to the U.N.'s Security Council, calling for an immediate and sustained ceasefire in Gaza. In one explanation of the veto, the ambassador had mentioned that the U.S. could not support cease-fire resolutions without acknowledging Israel's right to self-defense. She had also stated that the U.S. could not support a cease-fire until Hamas released hostages from a recent attack.

According to The Hill, the announcement of Thomas-Greenfield as the commencement speaker was made on May 5. Shortly after, a petition with 1,796 signatures appeared, demanding a new speaker. The petition cited the ambassador's repeated votes against a ceasefire in Gaza, which has resulted in the decimation of universities, loss of lives, and continued violence and oppression. The petition also highlighted the experiences of Palestinians in Gaza and their struggle against oppression, comparing it to the segregation era in America.

In addition to a new speaker, the petition also called for the university to amplify calls for a ceasefire and provide humanitarian aid to Gazans. It also urged the university to honor its diverse student population and stand for equity, justice, and peace by standing with them in their fight against oppression.

Chase Patterson, the Student Government Association President, praised the decision of President Verret, stating that it shows that the administration is willing to listen to student concerns. He expressed optimism that the administration will continue to support and listen to students in the future.

President Verret, while calling the cancellation a "regrettable conclusion," emphasized that the decision was made amicably with the ambassador. However, this is not the first time that Thomas-Greenfield's appearance as a commencement speaker has been rejected. The President of the University of Vermont, Suresh Garimella, also canceled her speech, stating that the ambassador will not be joining them to deliver the commencement address.

In light of the ongoing conflict in Gaza, many universities are facing pressure to reconsider their choice of commencement speakers. However, this decision by Xavier University of Louisiana serves as a reminder that student voices and concerns should not be ignored. As the world watches the situation in Gaza unfold, it is important for all of us to stand for justice and peace.

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