Wrestling icon from 1990s praises elderly woman for inventing the most revolting maneuver in the sport.

He is acknowledging her efforts at the very least.

June 28th 2024.

Wrestling icon from 1990s praises elderly woman for inventing the most revolting maneuver in the sport.
Next in line, we have the iconic WWE legend Rikishi, who has recently revealed a surprising and rather hilarious story behind one of wrestling's most famous moves - the Stink Face. This 58-year-old Hall of Famer is known for his larger-than-life persona and signature moves that have left fans in awe for decades.

In an exclusive interview with The Agency, Rikishi took us back to the early days of his career and shared the origins of the infamous Stink Face. As it turns out, it was not his idea at all. In fact, it was a suggestion from an old lady in the crowd that sparked the creation of this outrageous move.

During an untelevised 'house show' in the early 2000s, Rikishi was facing off against the late wrestler Big Boss Man (Ray Traylor). It was during this match that the Stink Face was born. Rikishi had just started wearing a thong on television, and as he was dominating his opponent, he heard a loud voice from the crowd. It was an old lady yelling, "Rikishi! Turn around and stick your butt in his face!" And thus, the Stink Face was born.

Rikishi recalled how he initially tried to find the lone voice in the crowd, which led to the now-iconic stare he would do before performing the move. However, as he got closer to his opponent, he still had no real plan on how to execute it. But as a professional wrestler, he knew how to adapt to any situation and make the most of it.

He explained that the crowd was so loud and enthusiastic that it felt like a volcano was about to erupt. And just as he was about to turn around, Big Boss Man yelled, "Stick your booty in my face!" And with that, the Stink Face was officially unleashed on the world.

Rikishi still remembers the sweaty first Stink Face he performed in Mobile, Alabama, and by the next night on Monday Night Raw, the move had gained so much popularity that it was time to perform it live on TV. From that moment on, the Stink Face became a staple in Rikishi's arsenal and a nightmare for his opponents.

He joked about how he sometimes felt violated when certain performers took the move like champs. But despite its humorous nature, there were also some safety concerns due to Rikishi's large frame coming into contact with someone at that height. He would always instruct his opponents on how to take the move safely, but there were times when they didn't turn their face, and there was little he could do about it.

But despite the potential risks, the Stink Face has endured through the years and has been performed by many other wrestlers, including the likes of Rhea Ripley earlier this year. Rikishi is delighted by the legacy of his signature move and joked about keeping his bottom "powder fresh" for it.

All in all, the Stink Face is a testament to Rikishi's larger-than-life persona and his ability to entertain and captivate audiences with his unique moves. And as he says, it's all about love, fun, and entertainment for everyone. So next time you see someone getting a Stink Face in the ring, remember that it all started with one old lady's suggestion from the crowd.

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