World lion day

World Lion Day is a global event that celebrates the lion population. It is observed on the 10th of August every year. Lions are found in Africa and Asia, with a small number living in India. There are an estimated less than 20,000 lions left in Africa. The lion population has decreased by 50% over the past two decades due to loss of habitat and prey, illegal hunting, and conflict with humans.

This event is celebrated to raise awareness about lions and encourage people to take action to protect them from extinction. Lions are one of the most iconic animals in Africa, and they are also one of the most vulnerable. Lions are an endangered species and their population is declining rapidly.

This day celebrates lions and encourages people to help protect them.

There are many ways you can help lions on this day:

-Donate money to charities that support lion conservation; -Support legislation that bans hunting or limits hunting; -Volunteer at local zoos, national parks, or wildlife sanctuaries; or

-Spend your time spreading awareness about how to protect lions.

Lions are the only big cat species that live in social groups called pride. The females usually have their own, smaller coalition of related females. On the occasion of World Lion Day, on August 10th, we have compiled some interesting facts about these majestic creatures. Lion's roars can be heard up to five miles away and they can roar up to 100 times a day.

The World Lion Day

