Woman with two wombs delivers twins

Hospital reports that woman with rare condition of two cervixes and uteruses gave birth, a condition found in 1 in 2,000 women.

October 2nd 2024.

Woman with two wombs delivers twins
Last month, an incredible event occurred at a hospital in north-western China. A woman, who has a rare condition of having two uteruses, gave birth to twins, one from each of her wombs. Health officials and state media have confirmed this amazing news.

The mother, who goes by the last name Li, underwent a caesarean section and welcomed a baby boy and a baby girl into the world. The Xi'an People's Hospital in Shaanxi province described this as a "one in a million" occurrence. The hospital shared on their official social media account on China's popular platform Weibo, that it is extremely rare for twins to be conceived naturally in each cavity of the uterus and even more uncommon for them to be carried to full term.

The hospital also revealed that Li was born with two cervixes and two uteruses, a condition known as uterine didelphys. This condition is estimated to occur in about 1 in 2000 women. Li's story has captured the attention of Chinese social media and has become a trending topic, with over 50 million views in just a few days. Many users have expressed their awe and amazement at this miraculous event.

One user wrote, "That's a miracle!" while another commented, "How lucky she is!" Some users also expressed concern for the mother, with one writing, "This must have been a tough and dangerous experience for her!" Li's story has definitely touched the hearts of many, especially since the hospital revealed that she had previously suffered a miscarriage.

However, Li's story has a happy ending, as she became pregnant again in January and discovered during an early ultrasound that she was carrying twins, one in each womb. The hospital closely monitored her pregnancy and she "successfully" gave birth to a baby boy weighing 7 pounds, 19 ounces and a baby girl weighing 5 pounds, 30 ounces. This is truly a remarkable and heartwarming story.

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