Woman's safety in India

India is a country where women face a lot of violence. They have to face sexual harassment and rape in public places, domestic violence, dowry deaths, and stalking. In India, women are often treated as second-class citizens. They are often not given the same opportunities as men and they are not allowed to go out at night without a male escort. This has led to an increase in crimes against women such as rape, molestation, stalking, and sexual harassment.

India is a country where women are constantly under threat. Despite the many laws and regulations, women are still not safe from sexual harassment and violence. The government has been working on this issue for a long time but it seems like nothing is changing. In India, women face a number of challenges that put their safety at risk. They are often forced to live in a male-dominated society where they are treated as property and not as individuals. The patriarchal society also puts pressure on women to conform and do things that they don't want to do. In addition, there is a lack of awareness about the various forms of harassment faced by women in India.

A recent report has revealed that one out of every two Indian women have been harassed at least once in their lives. This is due to the lack of awareness about the different kinds of harassment faced by women in India and how it can be dealt with effectively. 

