Woman hired for vengeance murder used hijab as disguise.

Bringing in guns is a grave crime, especially when the intention is to set up and seek retaliation against a specific person for a past incident.

June 13th 2024.

Woman hired for vengeance murder used hijab as disguise.
According to recent reports, Aimee Betro, a 44-year-old woman, fled the country after an attempted murder. It has been revealed that she was hired by two men, Mohammed Nazir and Mohammed Aslam, to carry out a revenge killing in Birmingham. Betro, who had traveled from the USA to the UK, disguised herself by wearing a hijab before attempting to shoot Sikander Ali on September 7, 2019. However, her weapon jammed, and Ali was able to escape.

The plan, according to West Midlands Police, involved sending threatening messages to the victim and attempting to lure him to meet with the group. When Ali did not show up, Betro fired three shots at his home. In addition, she also sent a text to Ali's father, asking him where they were hiding. After the failed attempt, Betro fled back to her hometown of Chicago, Illinois.

In a recent trial at Birmingham Crown Court, Nazir and Aslam, both from Derby, were found guilty of conspiracy to murder. It was discovered that Betro's weapon jamming was the only thing that saved Ali's life. In a text to Ali's father, Betro allegedly wrote, "You want to rip me off, you want to be a drug kingpin go look at your house. I will show you. Watch your back. I will be shedding blood soon."

Prior to the attempted murder, Betro had stayed in various hotels across the UK, including Birmingham, Brighton, Derby, and London. She fled the country on September 9, 2019, and has been missing ever since. According to reports, Nazir and Aslam wanted to seek revenge against Ali and his family after a dispute at a clothing shop in 2019. The two men will be sentenced on August 9.

A spokesperson from Derbyshire Police stated, "It is nothing short of sheer luck that no one was killed as a result of Nazir and Aslam's actions. Their intention was to take a life, and had it not been for the gun malfunctioning, this could have been a murder investigation. The importation of firearms is a grave offense, and in this case, it was used for revenge. As a police service, we will do everything in our power to bring those who bring these deadly weapons into our communities to justice."

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