Woman avoids payment by secretly putting cockroach in her meal.

The video made her famous as 'Lady Cockroach'.

September 9th 2024.

Woman avoids payment by secretly putting cockroach in her meal.
Next on our radar, there's a story making the rounds about a woman who allegedly pulled a sneaky move to avoid paying her restaurant bill. According to reports, this all went down at the Puerto Chale seafood restaurant in Guadalajara, Mexico. Apparently, the woman – who has not been identified – claimed to have found a dead cockroach in her food. Yikes.

And that's not the end of it. The woman then proceeded to threaten the waitress, saying she would make a scene if she and her family were charged for the meal. The poor staff, trying to keep a level head, let them off the hook and watched as they left. But something didn't sit right with them. So, they decided to check the CCTV footage to confirm their suspicions.

After watching the footage back, it seemed that their gut feeling was spot on. In a video that has since gone viral on TikTok with over 3.3 million views, it appears that the woman had actually brought the cockroach with her. In the clip, she can be seen reaching into her lap and pulling out a container which she then proceeds to shake over her food. And to make matters worse, one of her companions even gives her a knife to poke around inside the container.

But wait, there's more. The woman then tips out the contents of the container and nonchalantly returns it to her pocket. As she looks around, trying to play it cool, the other diners call over a waiter to their table and point out the cockroach in their food. The woman, who has now been given the nickname "Lady Cockroach", covers her mouth in shock.

The video has garnered almost 5,000 comments, with one person calling the family "terrible" and "disgusting". Another person pointed out that the restaurant should have checked the footage immediately and not let them leave without paying. And let's not forget the person who raised the question of how many other places this family has pulled this stunt.

It's unclear whether the restaurant owner has reported the incident to the police, but one thing's for sure – this woman's reputation has taken a hit. Let's hope she learns her lesson and doesn't try to pull this scam at any other establishments.

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